Overview - ST2E Promotion Foil (PF) cards | openCards

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Overview - ST2E Promotion Foil (PF) cards

    UCT-IDNamesort descendingExpansionTypeAffiliation
    6 P 1Reflections 2.0Dilemma
    6 P 2Reflections 2.0 (first print)Dilemma
    6 P 3Reflections 2.0Dilemma
    6 P 4Reflections 2.0Dilemma
    6 P 5
    Full Security Alertimage (first print)
    Reflections 2.0 (first print)Dilemma
    6 P 6
    Hard Timeimage (first print)
    Reflections 2.0 (first print)Dilemma
    6 P 7Reflections 2.0Dilemma
    6 P 8Reflections 2.0Dilemma
    6 P 9Reflections 2.0Dilemma
    6 P 10Reflections 2.0Dilemma
    6 P 11Reflections 2.0Dilemma
    6 P 12
    Urgencyimage (first print)
    Reflections 2.0 (first print)Dilemma
    6 P 13Reflections 2.0Dilemma
    6 P 14Reflections 2.0Event
    6 P 15
    •Biogenic Weaponimage (first print)
    Reflections 2.0 (first print)Event
    6 P 16Reflections 2.0 (errata)Event
    6 P 17
    Changed Historyimage (first print)
    Reflections 2.0 (first print)Event
    6 P 18Reflections 2.0 (first print)Event
    6 P 19
    Distant Explorationimage (first print)
    Reflections 2.0 (first print)Event
    6 P 21Reflections 2.0Event
    6 P 20
    Frictionimage (first print)
    Reflections 2.0 (first print)Event
    6 P 22Reflections 2.0 (errata)Event
    6 P 23Reflections 2.0Event
    6 P 24Reflections 2.0Event
    6 P 25Reflections 2.0Event
    6 P 26Reflections 2.0Event
    6 P 27
    Ohhhh! Nothing Happened!image (first print)
    Reflections 2.0 (first print)Event
    6 P 28
    •Quintessenceimage (errata)
    Reflections 2.0 (errata)Event
    6 P 29Reflections 2.0 (errata)Event
    6 P 30Reflections 2.0Event
    6 P 31
    The New Resistanceimage (first print)
    Reflections 2.0 (first print)Event
    6 P 32Reflections 2.0Event
    6 P 33Reflections 2.0Interrupt
    6 P 34Reflections 2.0Interrupt
    6 P 35Reflections 2.0Interrupt
    6 P 36Reflections 2.0Interrupt
    6 P 37Reflections 2.0Interrupt
    6 P 38Reflections 2.0Interrupt
    6 P 39Reflections 2.0Interrupt
    6 P 40Reflections 2.0PersonnelBajoran icon
    6 P 41Reflections 2.0PersonnelBajoran icon
    6 P 42Reflections 2.0PersonnelBorg icon
    6 P 43Reflections 2.0PersonnelBorg icon
    6 P 44Reflections 2.0 (first print)PersonnelCardassian icon
    6 P 45Reflections 2.0PersonnelCardassian icon
    6 P 46Reflections 2.0 (first print)PersonnelDominion icon
    6 P 47Reflections 2.0 (errata)PersonnelDominion icon
    6 P 48Reflections 2.0PersonnelDominion icon
    6 P 49Reflections 2.0 (first print)PersonnelFederation icon
    6 P 50Reflections 2.0PersonnelFederation icon
    6 P 51
    •Santos, Squad Leaderimage (first print)
    Reflections 2.0 (first print)PersonnelFederation icon
    6 P 52Reflections 2.0PersonnelFederation icon
    6 P 53Reflections 2.0PersonnelFederation icon
    6 P 54Reflections 2.0 (first print)PersonnelKlingon icon
    6 P 55
    •Worf, Son of Moghimage (first print)
    Reflections 2.0 (first print)PersonnelKlingon icon
    6 P 56Reflections 2.0 (first print)PersonnelNon-Aligned icon
    6 P 57Reflections 2.0PersonnelNon-Aligned icon
    6 P 58Reflections 2.0 (first print)PersonnelRomulan icon
    6 P 59Reflections 2.0PersonnelRomulan icon
    6 P 60
    Dominion Battleshipimage (first print)
    Reflections 2.0 (first print)ShipDominion icon
    6 P 61Reflections 2.0 (first print)ShipFederation icon
    11 PF 1
    Accelerated Agingimage (first print)
    Genesis (first print)Dilemma
    11 PF 1bGenesis (reprint)Dilemma
    11 PF 2
    Destined Journeyimage (first print)
    Genesis (first print)Dilemma
    11 PF 2b
    Destined Journeyimage (reprint)
    Genesis (reprint)Dilemma
    11 PF 3
    Final Triumphimage (first print)
    Genesis (first print)Dilemma
    11 PF 3b
    Final Triumphimage (reprint)
    Genesis (reprint)Dilemma
    11 PF 4Genesis (first print)Dilemma
    11 PF 4bGenesis (reprint)Dilemma
    11 PF 5
    Subterranean Barrierimage (first print)
    Genesis (first print)Dilemma
    11 PF 5bGenesis (reprint)Dilemma
    11 PF 6
    The Caretaker's "Guests"image (first print)
    Genesis (first print)Dilemma
    11 PF 6bGenesis (reprint)Dilemma
    11 PF 7
    Unbelievable Emergencyimage (first print)
    Genesis (first print)Dilemma
    11 PF 7bGenesis (reprint)Dilemma
    11 PF 8Genesis (first print)Event
    11 PF 8bGenesis (reprint)Event
    11 PF 9
    Cellular Peptide Cakeimage (first print)
    Genesis (first print)Event
    11 PF 9bGenesis (reprint)Event
    11 PF 10
    Learning Curveimage (first print)
    Genesis (first print)Event
    11 PF 10b
    Learning Curveimage (reprint)
    Genesis (reprint)Event
    11 PF 11
    No-Win Situationimage (first print)
    Genesis (first print)Event
    11 PF 11b
    No-Win Situationimage (reprint)
    Genesis (reprint)Event
    11 PF 12
    •The Genesis Effectimage (first print)
    Genesis (first print)Event
    11 PF 12bGenesis (reprint)Event
    11 PF 13
    Khan!image (first print)
    Genesis (first print)Interrupt
    11 PF 13b
    Khan!image (reprint)
    Genesis (reprint)Interrupt
    11 PF 14
    •Genesis Planetimage (first print)
    Genesis (first print)Mission
    11 PF 14bGenesis (reprint)Mission
    11 PF 14
    •Genesis Planetimage (first print)
    Genesis (first print)Mission
    11 PF 15bGenesis (reprint)PersonnelBajoran icon
    11 PF 15Genesis (first print)PersonnelBajoran icon
    11 PF 16
    Jasadimage (first print)
    Genesis (first print)PersonnelCardassian icon
    11 PF 16b
    Jasadimage (reprint)
    Genesis (reprint)PersonnelCardassian icon
    11 PF 17bGenesis (reprint)PersonnelFederation icon
    11 PF 17
    •James T. Kirk, Original Thinkerimage (errata / first print)
    Genesis (errata / first print)PersonnelFederation icon
    11 PF 21bGenesis (reprint)PersonnelFederation icon
    11 PF 21
    •Saavik, Protégéeimage (first print)
    Genesis (first print)PersonnelFederation icon
    11 PF 18bGenesis (reprint)PersonnelFederation icon
    11 PF 18Genesis (first print)PersonnelFederation icon
    11 PF 19bGenesis (reprint)PersonnelFederation icon
    11 PF 19Genesis (first print)PersonnelFederation icon
    11 PF 20bGenesis (reprint)PersonnelFederation icon
    11 PF 20
    •Tuvok, Undercoverimage (first print)
    Genesis (first print)PersonnelFederation icon
    11 PF 22
    •Kruge, Instinctive Commanderimage (errata / first print)
    Genesis (errata / first print)PersonnelKlingon icon
    11 PF 22bGenesis (reprint)PersonnelKlingon icon
    11 PF 23bGenesis (reprint)PersonnelNon-Aligned icon
    11 PF 23Genesis (first print)PersonnelNon-Aligned icon
    11 PF 24bGenesis (reprint)PersonnelNon-Aligned icon
    11 PF 24Genesis (first print)PersonnelNon-Aligned icon
    11 PF 25Genesis (first print)PersonnelNon-Aligned icon
    11 PF 25bGenesis (reprint)PersonnelNon-Aligned icon
    11 PF 26Genesis (first print)ShipBorg icon
    11 PF 26bGenesis (reprint)ShipBorg icon
    11 PF 27bGenesis (reprint)ShipFederation icon
    11 PF 27Genesis (first print)ShipFederation icon
    0 P 83
    Chula: The Diceimage (reprint)
    Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)Dilemma
    0 P 81
    No Kill Iimage (reprint)
    Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)Dilemma
    0 P 34
    Skeleton Crewimage (reprint)
    Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)Dilemma
    0 P 35
    Abductionimage (reprint)
    Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)Event
    0 P 36Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)Event
    0 P 80
    Destiny Resetimage (reprint)
    Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)Event
    0 P 24 BDecipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)Event
    0 P 32 ADecipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)Event
    0 P 37Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)Event
    0 P 33 ADecipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)Event
    0 P 32 BDecipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)Event
    0 P 33 BDecipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)Event
    0 P 75
    •Amnesty Talksimage (reprint)
    Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)Mission
    0 P 42Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)Mission
    0 P 76Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)Mission
    0 P 77Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)Mission
    0 P 78Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)Mission
    0 P 76Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)Mission
    0 P 53Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)Mission
    0 P 75
    •Amnesty Talksimage (reprint)
    Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)Mission
    0 P 43Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)Mission
    0 P 76Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)Mission
    0 P 77Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)Mission
    0 P 50Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)Mission
    0 P 78Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)Mission
    0 P 75
    •Amnesty Talksimage (reprint)
    Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)Mission
    0 P 76Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)Mission
    0 P 48Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)Mission
    0 P 77Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)Mission
    0 P 75
    •Amnesty Talksimage (reprint)
    Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)Mission
    0 P 41Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)Mission
    0 P 44Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)Mission
    0 P 46Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)Mission
    0 P 82Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)Mission
    0 P 76Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)Mission
    0 P 77Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)Mission
    0 P 49Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)Mission
    0 P 78Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)Mission
    0 P 75
    •Amnesty Talksimage (reprint)
    Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)Mission
    0 P 47Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)Mission
    0 P 76Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)Mission
    0 P 77Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)Mission
    0 P 75
    •Amnesty Talksimage (reprint)
    Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)Mission
    0 P 76Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)Mission
    0 P 77Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)Mission
    0 P 51Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)Mission
    0 P 75
    •Amnesty Talksimage (reprint)
    Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)Mission
    0 P 82Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)Mission
    0 P 76Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)Mission
    0 P 77Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)Mission
    0 P 79Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)Mission
    0 P 75
    •Amnesty Talksimage (reprint)
    Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)Mission
    0 P 76Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)Mission
    0 P 77Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)Mission
    0 P 52Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)Mission
    0 P 75
    •Amnesty Talksimage (reprint)
    Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)Mission
    0 P 45Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)Mission
    0 P 76Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)Mission
    0 P 77Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)Mission
    0 P 54Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)PersonnelBajoran icon
    0 P 6Decipher's Promotion Cards (first print)PersonnelBajoran icon
    0 P 27Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)PersonnelBorg icon
    0 P 55Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)PersonnelBorg icon
    0 P 7Decipher's Promotion Cards (first print)PersonnelBorg icon
    0 P 31Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)PersonnelBorg icon
    0 P 72Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)PersonnelCardassian icon
    0 P 56Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)PersonnelCardassian icon
    0 P 8Decipher's Promotion Cards (first print)PersonnelCardassian icon
    12 R 50Decipher's Promotion CardsPersonnelCardassian icon
    0 P 57Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)PersonnelDominion icon
    0 P 9Decipher's Promotion Cards (first print)PersonnelDominion icon
    0 P 29Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)PersonnelFederation icon
    0 P 28Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)PersonnelFederation icon
    0 P 58Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)PersonnelFederation icon
    0 P 10Decipher's Promotion Cards (first print)PersonnelFederation icon
    0 P 73Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)PersonnelFederation icon
    0 P 59Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)PersonnelFederation icon
    0 P 11Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)PersonnelFederation icon
    0 P 26Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)PersonnelFederation icon
    0 P 24 ADecipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)PersonnelFederation icon
    0 P 74Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)PersonnelKlingon icon
    0 P 60Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)PersonnelKlingon icon
    0 P 12Decipher's Promotion Cards (first print)PersonnelKlingon icon
    0 P 40Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)PersonnelKlingon icon
    0 P 30Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)PersonnelKlingon icon
    0 P 39Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)PersonnelKlingon icon
    0 P 61Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)PersonnelNon-Aligned icon
    0 P 13Decipher's Promotion Cards (first print)PersonnelNon-Aligned icon
    0 P 38
    Morikimage (reprint)
    Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)PersonnelNon-Aligned icon
    0 P 62Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)PersonnelRomulan icon
    0 P 14Decipher's Promotion Cards (first print)PersonnelRomulan icon
    0 P 63
    •Barakaimage (reprint)
    Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)ShipBajoran icon
    0 P 15
    •Barakaimage (first print)
    Decipher's Promotion Cards (first print)ShipBajoran icon
    0 P 16
    •Queen's Borg Cubeimage (first print)
    Decipher's Promotion Cards (first print)ShipBorg icon
    0 P 65
    •Napremimage (reprint)
    Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)ShipCardassian icon
    0 P 17
    •Napremimage (first print)
    Decipher's Promotion Cards (first print)ShipCardassian icon
    0 P 66Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)ShipDominion icon
    0 P 18Decipher's Promotion Cards (errata / first print)ShipDominion icon
    0 P 67Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)ShipFederation icon
    0 P 19Decipher's Promotion Cards (first print)ShipFederation icon
    0 P 68Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)ShipFederation icon
    0 P 20
    •U.S.S. Sutherlandimage (first print)
    Decipher's Promotion Cards (first print)ShipFederation icon
    0 P 69
    •I.K.S. Bortasimage (reprint)
    Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)ShipKlingon icon
    0 P 21
    •I.K.S. Bortasimage (first print)
    Decipher's Promotion Cards (first print)ShipKlingon icon
    0 P 70Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)ShipNon-Aligned icon
    0 P 22Decipher's Promotion Cards (first print)ShipNon-Aligned icon
    0 P 71
    •Rovaranimage (reprint)
    Decipher's Promotion Cards (reprint)ShipRomulan icon
    0 P 23
    •Rovaranimage (first print)
    Decipher's Promotion Cards (first print)ShipRomulan icon
    0 D 19DGMA Promos (reprint)Dilemma
    0 D 20DGMA Promos (reprint)Dilemma
    0 D 1
    Harsh Conditionsimage (reprint)
    DGMA Promos (reprint)Dilemma
    0 D 2
    Timescapeimage (reprint)
    DGMA Promos (reprint)Dilemma
    0 D 21
    Tragic Turnimage (reprint)
    DGMA Promos (reprint)Dilemma
    0 D 22DGMA Promos (reprint)Event
    0 D 3DGMA Promos (reprint)Event
    0 D 8DGMA Promos (reprint)Mission
    0 D 9DGMA Promos (reprint)Mission
    0 D 10DGMA Promos (reprint)Mission
    0 D 11DGMA Promos (reprint)Mission
    0 D 13DGMA Promos (reprint)Mission
    0 D 8DGMA Promos (reprint)Mission
    0 D 9DGMA Promos (reprint)Mission
    0 D 10DGMA Promos (reprint)Mission
    0 D 11DGMA Promos (reprint)Mission
    0 D 13DGMA Promos (reprint)Mission
    0 D 8DGMA Promos (reprint)Mission
    0 D 9DGMA Promos (reprint)Mission
    0 D 10DGMA Promos (reprint)Mission
    0 D 8DGMA Promos (reprint)Mission
    0 D 9DGMA Promos (reprint)Mission
    0 D 10DGMA Promos (reprint)Mission
    0 D 11DGMA Promos (reprint)Mission
    0 D 12DGMA Promos (reprint)Mission
    0 D 8DGMA Promos (reprint)Mission
    0 D 9DGMA Promos (reprint)Mission
    0 D 10DGMA Promos (reprint)Mission
    0 D 13DGMA Promos (reprint)Mission
    0 D 8DGMA Promos (reprint)Mission
    0 D 9DGMA Promos (reprint)Mission
    0 D 10DGMA Promos (reprint)Mission
    0 D 8DGMA Promos (reprint)Mission
    0 D 9DGMA Promos (reprint)Mission
    0 D 10DGMA Promos (reprint)Mission
    0 D 8DGMA Promos (reprint)Mission
    0 D 9DGMA Promos (reprint)Mission
    0 D 10DGMA Promos (reprint)Mission
    0 D 12DGMA Promos (reprint)Mission
    0 D 8DGMA Promos (reprint)Mission
    0 D 9DGMA Promos (reprint)Mission
    0 D 10DGMA Promos (reprint)Mission
    0 D 14
    •Data, Aspirerimage (reprint)
    DGMA Promos (reprint)PersonnelFederation icon
    0 D 15DGMA Promos (reprint)PersonnelFederation icon
    0 D 5DGMA Promos (reprint)PersonnelFederation icon
    0 D 6DGMA Promos (reprint)PersonnelFederation icon
    0 D 4DGMA Promos (reprint)PersonnelFederation icon
    0 D 23DGMA Promos (reprint)PersonnelFerengi icon
    0 D 16DGMA Promos (reprint)PersonnelFerengi icon
    0 D 24DGMA Promos (reprint)PersonnelNon-Aligned icon
    0 D 7DGMA Promos (reprint)PersonnelNon-Aligned icon
    0 D 25DGMA Promos (reprint)PersonnelNon-Aligned icon
    0 D 26
    Togaranimage (reprint)
    DGMA Promos (reprint)PersonnelNon-Aligned icon
    0 D 17DGMA Promos (reprint)PersonnelStarfleet icon
    0 D 18DGMA Promos (reprint)ShipFederation icon