![Guna'shan Guna'shan](http://open-cards.de/sites/all/cards/st2e/ht/st2e-en38025.jpg)
Dominion Personnel
of Jem'Hadar species.
Icons: Geology
When you place an Infiltrator you own aboard an opponent's ship and this personnel is in your hand, you may place him on your headquarters mission where he could be played.
While the Founders were extremely adept at espionage, their extraction often depended on a Jem'Hadar presence to secure their passage.
Characteristics: "relocate" personnel cards - place from hand into play, affiliation, Jem'Hadar species, ship related card.
Requires: headquarters, Infiltrator.
Card logging info: First edited by Telak at Sep 9th, 2016. Please support openCards and validate game text of this card!
Virtual card from Hard Time (Copyright 2016)
Image Source: Deep Space Nine - The Ship (Season 5 - Episode 2)
UCT-ID : ST2E 38 V 25 (manufactor info on card: 38 V 25)
Print-Style : color (standard) / black border / non-foil
No "reprints" for this card (no cards published with same title & sub-title in other expansions).
- "Never Build Your Worlds Deck at 3:30 In the Morning" by John Kinney
- "Crom's Wild Bunch" by Old Kor
Create your own Deck in the ST2E deck section!Because this is a virtual non-promo card, it's not listed in the Tradeplace.