Characteristic "ship related card":
Anachronistic Deviation (35 V 1)
Archaic Snare (43 V 1)
Back to Basics (14 R 1)
Brink of War (40 V 2)
Covert Insertion (8 U 7)
Galileo Grounded (24 V 4)
Harried and Harassed (40 V 5)
Molecular Reversion Field (7 R 8)
Mr. Tricorder (6 P 8)
Mutinous Guests (33 V 4)
Once More Unto the Breach (15 V 5)
Programmed Compulsion (24 V 7)
Rogue Borg Ship (19 V 4)
Satarran Gambit (27 V 2)
Star-crossed (48 V 1)
Strength of Arms (35 V 3)
Sudden Stealth (24 V 10)
Tactical Disadvantage (8 R 16)
Terminal Resignation (29 V 11)
The Clown: Go Away (21 V 8)
The Doomsday Machine (49 V 4)
The Three Vipers (6 P 10)
Threading the Needle (46 V 5)
Unorthodox Tactics (17 V 16)
V'Ger (39 V 3)
Emergency Transport Unit (4 C 32)
Self-Sealing Stem Bolts (17 V 20)
Trellium-D (22 V 10)
A Few Minor Difficulties (14 C 22)
• Anything or Anyone (4 R 37)
Astrometrics Lab (1 C 75)
Audacious Assault (26 V 10)
BaH! (1 U 78)
Battle Drills (1 R 80)
Bound by Addiction (8 C 26)
• Captain on the Bridge (4 C 43)
• Captain's Log (13 R 26)
Cavalry Raid (3 R 39)
Changed History (6 P 17)
Changeling Sabotage (3 U 40)
Christening (24 V 13)
Condition Red (12 U 22)
Dark Dissension (49 V 15)
Deploy the Fleet (4 U 47)
Desperate Counter (40 V 11)
Discovered (12 U 23)
Effective Deterrent (40 V 12)
Emergency Evacuation (35 V 5)
Enemy in Your Midst (3 C 43)
Engage Cloak (1 R 87)
Escape Pod (8 R 33)
Escaping Detection (4 U 50)
Executive Commission (24 V 14)
• Expedient Opportunity (33 V 11)
Extreme Measures (24 V 15)
Finding Our Way (10 C 27)
• Good Shepherd (14 C 31)
• Hall of Warriors (14 C 32)
Helping Hand (20 V 3)
• Hidden Strings (40 V 13)
Holodeck Grid (7 U 21)
• Hostilities Unleashed (40 V 14)
How Would You Like a Trip to Romulus? (1 R 90)
Humanity's Worst Enemy (48 V 4)
• Hurried Departure (12 U 25)
• Improvised Modifications (14 C 33)
In a Mirror, Darkly (14 R 34)
• Line of Defense (1 C 95)
Make a Run for it (10 C 28)
Making It Work (10 C 29)
Maquis Raid (6 P 26)
• Martial Law (31 V 17)
Miracle Working (35 V 6)
Mission Accomplished (4 U 61)
Nelvana Trap (1 R 96)
New Discovery (10 U 30)
No Escape (4 C 64)
Organized Terrorist Activities (4 R 65)
• Parallel Course (10 R 31)
Persistent Strike (21 V 11)
Political Leverage (2 U 55)
Preeminent Precision (8 U 37)
• Provocative Levity (49 V 22)
Provoked Attack (7 R 23)
• Quintessence (6 P 28)
Regeneration Alcoves (3 C 51)
• Relentless Charge (17 V 36)
• Relief Efforts (35 V 9)
Resilience (35 V 10)
Resistance Tactics (1 R 109)
• Running a Tight Ship (4 R 71)
• Ruthless Efficiency (49 V 23)
Salvaging the Wreckage (2 C 60)
Seeing Double (7 C 30)
• Shadow Operation (2 R 61)
Sickbay (2 U 62)
• Smuggling Run (2 U 63)
• Special Modifications (24 V 17)
Standard Cardassian Procedure (1 U 111)
Standing Your Ground (4 C 73)
Staunch Determination (2 U 64)
Stealth Mission (6 P 30)
Strafing Fire (8 R 43)
Straight and Steady (14 C 40)
Tacking Into the Wind (25 V 16)
Tapestry (1 R 114)
Target the Main Generator (49 V 28)
Temporal Transporters (28 V 12)
The Hand of Apollo (24 V 18)
• The Inner Light (13 R 36)
• The New Occupation (14 C 41)
The New Resistance (6 P 31)
The Orion Underworld (1 R 115)
• The Reman Mines (1 U 117)
The Stars Are Made of Latinum (43 V 10)
The Will of the Collective (3 U 64)
Transcendent Farewell (47 V 5)
Unseen Manipulations (2 U 70)
War Without End (35 V 12)
Cloak and Dagger (24 V 19)
Crippling Strike (33 V 23)
Dimensional Shifting (1 R 125)
Emergency Repairs (36 V 13)
Evasive Maneuvers (1 U 128)
Exchange Program (22 V 19)
Full Throttle (49 V 31)
Hidden Resource (22 V 20)
Imperial Entanglements (35 V 14)
Invasive Transporters (33 V 25)
Opportunity Seized (22 V 22)
Power to the Shields (1 U 132)
Pursuit Course (1 R 134)
Quantum Slipstream Drive (1 C 135)
Rebuilding the Fleet (17 V 44)
Relative Dimensions (35 V 15)
Render Assistance (1 S 136)
Silent Strike (14 U 50)
Superior Position (22 V 25)
Surprise Audit (23 V 26)
Targeting the Nacelles (10 U 44)
Target of Opportunity (34 V 17)
The Tides of Fortune (1 U 144)
Transwarp Conduit (6 P 39)
Unrelenting (22 V 26)
Warp Speed Transfer (10 R 45)
Warrior's Resolve (15 V 22)
• Agricultural Assessment (28 V 18)
• Assimilate Starship (24 V 20)
• Automated Repair Station (8 U 53)
• Breach Barrier (15 V 24)
• Caretaker's Array (10 U 46)
• Cargo Haul (2 U 99)
• Deep Space Station K-7, Monitor Federation Commerce (36 V 17)
• Demonstrate Aggressive Intent (17 V 45)
• Escape Gulag (8 U 56)
• Explore Micro-Wormhole (10 U 48)
• Grid 296, Holographic Training Facility (36 V 20)
• Honor the Fallen (17 V 47)
• Hyralan Sector, Raid Flagship (41 V 13)
• Investigate Derelict (13 U 46)
• Kar-telos Asteroid Belt, Salvage Wreckage (33 V 27)
• Kressari Rendezvous (1 U 184)
• Loren III, Combined Discovery (33 V 28)
• Luna, Orpheus Mining Facility & Mars, Orpheus Mining Facility (48 V 9)
• Mine Vendarite (23 V 29)
• Mouth of the Wormhole, Deep Space 9 (1 S 188)
• Navigate Minefield (8 U 58)
• Nelvana III, Compelling Threat (35 V 17)
• Protect Wormhole (17 V 49)
• Repair Null Space Catapult (24 V 22)
• Romulus, Patient Stronghold (35 V 18)
• Runabout Search (1 U 196)
• Soltok IV, Transport "Medical Supplies" (40 V 24)
• Terikof Belt, Navigate Plasma Storms (34 V 25)
• Wolf 359, Assimilate Resistance (12 U 39)
• Wolf 359, Last Stand (32 V 8)
• Benjamin Sisko, Shipwright (0 P 6)
Hazar (1 U 213)
• Kira Nerys, Ambitious Ally (24 V 24)
• Odo, Vigilant Staffer (44 V 2)
Invasive Drone (3 C 131)
• Seven of Nine, Prodigal Daughter (18 V 21)
Transwarp Drone (3 C 140)
• Damar, Ambitious Glinn (24 V 25)
Jasad (11 PF 16)
• Joret Dal, Patriotic Visionary (1 R 242)
• Tora Ziyal, Ambitious Daughter (24 V 27)
Tugat (24 V 28)
Turo (35 V 19)
• Bashir Founder, Imperturbable Infiltrator (12 R 51)
Guna'shan (38 V 25)
• Ishka, Opportunistic Hostage (43 V 16)
• Kilana, Unctuous Negotiator (26 V 32)
• Lamat'Ukan, Resourceful Third (6 P 48)
• Luaran, Critical Coordinator (18 V 23)
• Tosk, Noble Prey (49 V 40)
• B'Elanna Torres, Chief Engineer (12 R 56)
• B'Elanna Torres, Straightforward Engineer (10 U 61)
Branson (35 V 20)
• Chell, Incessant Chatterbox (45 V 8)
• Declan Keogh, Veteran Captain (32 V 11)
Fredericks (28 V 27)
• Geordi La Forge, Battleship Engineer (17 V 60)
• Geordi La Forge, Resolute Presence (49 V 41)
• Harry Kim, Diligent Ensign (31 V 38)
• Hikaru Sulu, Experienced Helmsman (20 V 19)
• Jadzia Dax, Communications Staffer (12 R 66)
• James Morrow, Survivor (40 V 31)
• Julian Bashir, Medical Staffer (12 R 71)
• Klim Dokachin, Officious Quartermaster (49 V 43)
• Lon Suder, Casual Killer (32 V 12)
• Miles O'Brien, Engineering Staffer (12 U 77)
• Miles O'Brien, Vastly Outnumbered (20 V 26)
• Mortimer Harren, Reclusive Genius (34 V 33)
• Nog, Communications Relay (35 V 27)
• Nog, Defiant Captain (28 V 32)
• Orfil Quinteros (12 U 79)
• Patrick, Idiot Savant (3 U 179)
• Pavel A. Chekov, Experienced Adept (40 V 34)
Ralami (40 V 35)
• Reginald Barclay, Reclusive Engineer (3 R 180)
• Rhys Parker, Fulfilling Destiny (28 V 34)
• Seven of Nine, Undercover Operative (28 V 36)
• Spock, Experienced Officer (20 V 30)
• Stadi, Focused (10 C 82)
• St. John Talbot, Embittered Consul (35 V 30)
• Tal Celes, Imprecise Analyst (34 V 34)
• Tom Paris, Best Pilot You Could Have (10 R 84)
• Tuvok, Stolid Ensign (38 V 29)
• Wesley Crusher, Battleship Helmsman (13 C 82)
• William Patrick Samuels, Maquis Saboteur (2 U 132)
• Worf, Clandestine Staffer (25 V 43)
• Brunt, Nice Guy (13 U 85)
Kayron (35 V 31)
• Quark, Opportunistic Envoy (33 V 43)
• B'Elanna Torres, Mother of the Kuvah'magh (28 V 40)
Bregath (2 C 133)
Kamok (34 V 36)
Kar'meth (34 V 37)
• Kavok, Challenging Captain (49 V 48)
Kromm (35 V 33)
• Kruge, Instinctive Commander (11 PF 22)
Nirok (34 V 38)
• Amaros, Freedom Fighter (22 V 39)
• Etana Jol, Ktarian Operative (1 U 326)
• Joaquin, Superhuman Lieutenant (29 V 41)
• Khan Noonien Singh, Bold Man (12 R 102)
• Leonardo da Vinci, Renaissance Man (48 V 16)
• Lily Sloane, Voice of Reason (48 V 17)
• Noonien Soong, Often-Wrong (7 R 104)
• One One, Efficiency Expert (29 V 46)
• Rax'Na (38 V 39)
• Skalaar, Bounty Hunter (12 C 104)
Thon (10 R 99)
• Udar, "Smike" (29 V 50)
• Zefram Cochrane, Ready to Make History (8 R 90)
• Zero Zero, Efficiency Expert (29 V 52)
• Caithlin Dar, Innocent Consul (35 V 34)
• Cretak, Supporter of the Alliance (1 S 356)
Jera (13 C 101)
• Lovok, Tal Shiar Colonel (1 R 361)
• Movar, Political General (1 S 363)
Nevala (14 C 105)
Rasul (35 V 36)
• Telek R'Mor, Anachronistic Visitor (28 V 48)
• Telek R'Mor, Astrophysical Researcher (1 R 375)
• Tomek, Displaced Alien (13 C 102)
• T'Rul, Curt Subcommander (2 U 166)
• Charles Tucker III, Damaged Engineer (22 V 46)
• Henry Archer, Trailblazing Engineer (32 V 17)
• Kelby, Arrogant Engineer (8 U 107)
• Malcolm Reed, Damaged Security Officer (22 V 48)
• Malcolm Reed, Protocol Pioneer (40 V 44)
• Travis Mayweather, Damaged Navigator (22 V 51)
• Travis Mayweather, Space Boomer (8 R 113)
Assault Vessel (1 U 380)
Bajoran Interceptor (1 C 381)
Bajoran Scout Vessel (1 C 382)
• Talnot (4 U 178)
Borg Cube (3 C 198)
• Borg Queen's Vessel, Borg Flagship (14 R 111)
Borg Sphere (3 S 199)
• Sphere 117, Renegade Borg Sphere (25 V 51)
• Bralek (1 R 383)
Galor (1 C 384)
Keldon (1 C 385)
Jem'Hadar Warship (3 C 203)
U.S.S. Akira (1 S 390)
• U.S.S. Centaur, Patrolling Ship (19 V 15)
U.S.S. Excelsior (1 C 393)
U.S.S. Galaxy (1 C 394)
U.S.S. Nebula (1 S 395)
U.S.S. Sovereign (1 U 396)
D'kora Marauder (7 C 117)
Personal Transport (7 C 119)
• U.S.S. Stargazer, Dangerous Gift (41 V 27)
I.K.S. K't'inga (1 C 398)
I.K.S. K'Vort (1 U 399)
• I.K.S. Maht-H'a (1 R 401)
I.K.S. Vor'cha (1 S 403)
Flaxian Scout Vessel (1 C 404)
• Kyana's Hope, Temporal Weapon (15 V 45)
Mercenary Ship (2 C 176)
Miradorn Raider (1 C 405)
Tamarian Vessel (1 C 407)
T'Lani Munitions Ship (1 C 406)
D'deridex (1 S 408)
• Kilhra, Hidden Threat (22 V 53)
Romulan Scout Vessel (1 C 412)
• Future Enterprise, Displaced Starship (20 V 45)
Archaic Snare (43 V 1)
Back to Basics (14 R 1)
Brink of War (40 V 2)
Covert Insertion (8 U 7)
Galileo Grounded (24 V 4)
Harried and Harassed (40 V 5)
Molecular Reversion Field (7 R 8)
Mr. Tricorder (6 P 8)
Mutinous Guests (33 V 4)
Once More Unto the Breach (15 V 5)
Programmed Compulsion (24 V 7)
Rogue Borg Ship (19 V 4)
Satarran Gambit (27 V 2)
Star-crossed (48 V 1)
Strength of Arms (35 V 3)
Sudden Stealth (24 V 10)
Tactical Disadvantage (8 R 16)
Terminal Resignation (29 V 11)
The Clown: Go Away (21 V 8)
The Doomsday Machine (49 V 4)
The Three Vipers (6 P 10)
Threading the Needle (46 V 5)
Unorthodox Tactics (17 V 16)
V'Ger (39 V 3)
Emergency Transport Unit (4 C 32)
Self-Sealing Stem Bolts (17 V 20)
Trellium-D (22 V 10)
A Few Minor Difficulties (14 C 22)
• Anything or Anyone (4 R 37)
Astrometrics Lab (1 C 75)
Audacious Assault (26 V 10)
BaH! (1 U 78)
Battle Drills (1 R 80)
Bound by Addiction (8 C 26)
• Captain on the Bridge (4 C 43)
• Captain's Log (13 R 26)
Cavalry Raid (3 R 39)
Changed History (6 P 17)
Changeling Sabotage (3 U 40)
Christening (24 V 13)
Condition Red (12 U 22)
Dark Dissension (49 V 15)
Deploy the Fleet (4 U 47)
Desperate Counter (40 V 11)
Discovered (12 U 23)
Effective Deterrent (40 V 12)
Emergency Evacuation (35 V 5)
Enemy in Your Midst (3 C 43)
Engage Cloak (1 R 87)
Escape Pod (8 R 33)
Escaping Detection (4 U 50)
Executive Commission (24 V 14)
• Expedient Opportunity (33 V 11)
Extreme Measures (24 V 15)
Finding Our Way (10 C 27)
• Good Shepherd (14 C 31)
• Hall of Warriors (14 C 32)
Helping Hand (20 V 3)
• Hidden Strings (40 V 13)
Holodeck Grid (7 U 21)
• Hostilities Unleashed (40 V 14)
How Would You Like a Trip to Romulus? (1 R 90)
Humanity's Worst Enemy (48 V 4)
• Hurried Departure (12 U 25)
• Improvised Modifications (14 C 33)
In a Mirror, Darkly (14 R 34)
• Line of Defense (1 C 95)
Make a Run for it (10 C 28)
Making It Work (10 C 29)
Maquis Raid (6 P 26)
• Martial Law (31 V 17)
Miracle Working (35 V 6)
Mission Accomplished (4 U 61)
Nelvana Trap (1 R 96)
New Discovery (10 U 30)
No Escape (4 C 64)
Organized Terrorist Activities (4 R 65)
• Parallel Course (10 R 31)
Persistent Strike (21 V 11)
Political Leverage (2 U 55)
Preeminent Precision (8 U 37)
• Provocative Levity (49 V 22)
Provoked Attack (7 R 23)
• Quintessence (6 P 28)
Regeneration Alcoves (3 C 51)
• Relentless Charge (17 V 36)
• Relief Efforts (35 V 9)
Resilience (35 V 10)
Resistance Tactics (1 R 109)
• Running a Tight Ship (4 R 71)
• Ruthless Efficiency (49 V 23)
Salvaging the Wreckage (2 C 60)
Seeing Double (7 C 30)
• Shadow Operation (2 R 61)
Sickbay (2 U 62)
• Smuggling Run (2 U 63)
• Special Modifications (24 V 17)
Standard Cardassian Procedure (1 U 111)
Standing Your Ground (4 C 73)
Staunch Determination (2 U 64)
Stealth Mission (6 P 30)
Strafing Fire (8 R 43)
Straight and Steady (14 C 40)
Tacking Into the Wind (25 V 16)
Tapestry (1 R 114)
Target the Main Generator (49 V 28)
Temporal Transporters (28 V 12)
The Hand of Apollo (24 V 18)
• The Inner Light (13 R 36)
• The New Occupation (14 C 41)
The New Resistance (6 P 31)
The Orion Underworld (1 R 115)
• The Reman Mines (1 U 117)
The Stars Are Made of Latinum (43 V 10)
The Will of the Collective (3 U 64)
Transcendent Farewell (47 V 5)
Unseen Manipulations (2 U 70)
War Without End (35 V 12)
Cloak and Dagger (24 V 19)
Crippling Strike (33 V 23)
Dimensional Shifting (1 R 125)
Emergency Repairs (36 V 13)
Evasive Maneuvers (1 U 128)
Exchange Program (22 V 19)
Full Throttle (49 V 31)
Hidden Resource (22 V 20)
Imperial Entanglements (35 V 14)
Invasive Transporters (33 V 25)
Opportunity Seized (22 V 22)
Power to the Shields (1 U 132)
Pursuit Course (1 R 134)
Quantum Slipstream Drive (1 C 135)
Rebuilding the Fleet (17 V 44)
Relative Dimensions (35 V 15)
Render Assistance (1 S 136)
Silent Strike (14 U 50)
Superior Position (22 V 25)
Surprise Audit (23 V 26)
Targeting the Nacelles (10 U 44)
Target of Opportunity (34 V 17)
The Tides of Fortune (1 U 144)
Transwarp Conduit (6 P 39)
Unrelenting (22 V 26)
Warp Speed Transfer (10 R 45)
Warrior's Resolve (15 V 22)
• Agricultural Assessment (28 V 18)
• Assimilate Starship (24 V 20)
• Automated Repair Station (8 U 53)
• Breach Barrier (15 V 24)
• Caretaker's Array (10 U 46)
• Cargo Haul (2 U 99)
• Deep Space Station K-7, Monitor Federation Commerce (36 V 17)
• Demonstrate Aggressive Intent (17 V 45)
• Escape Gulag (8 U 56)
• Explore Micro-Wormhole (10 U 48)
• Grid 296, Holographic Training Facility (36 V 20)
• Honor the Fallen (17 V 47)
• Hyralan Sector, Raid Flagship (41 V 13)
• Investigate Derelict (13 U 46)
• Kar-telos Asteroid Belt, Salvage Wreckage (33 V 27)
• Kressari Rendezvous (1 U 184)
• Loren III, Combined Discovery (33 V 28)
• Luna, Orpheus Mining Facility & Mars, Orpheus Mining Facility (48 V 9)
• Mine Vendarite (23 V 29)
• Mouth of the Wormhole, Deep Space 9 (1 S 188)
• Navigate Minefield (8 U 58)
• Nelvana III, Compelling Threat (35 V 17)
• Protect Wormhole (17 V 49)
• Repair Null Space Catapult (24 V 22)
• Romulus, Patient Stronghold (35 V 18)
• Runabout Search (1 U 196)
• Soltok IV, Transport "Medical Supplies" (40 V 24)
• Terikof Belt, Navigate Plasma Storms (34 V 25)
• Wolf 359, Assimilate Resistance (12 U 39)
• Wolf 359, Last Stand (32 V 8)
• Benjamin Sisko, Shipwright (0 P 6)
Hazar (1 U 213)
• Kira Nerys, Ambitious Ally (24 V 24)
• Odo, Vigilant Staffer (44 V 2)
Invasive Drone (3 C 131)
• Seven of Nine, Prodigal Daughter (18 V 21)
Transwarp Drone (3 C 140)
• Damar, Ambitious Glinn (24 V 25)
Jasad (11 PF 16)
• Joret Dal, Patriotic Visionary (1 R 242)
• Tora Ziyal, Ambitious Daughter (24 V 27)
Tugat (24 V 28)
Turo (35 V 19)
• Bashir Founder, Imperturbable Infiltrator (12 R 51)
Guna'shan (38 V 25)
• Ishka, Opportunistic Hostage (43 V 16)
• Kilana, Unctuous Negotiator (26 V 32)
• Lamat'Ukan, Resourceful Third (6 P 48)
• Luaran, Critical Coordinator (18 V 23)
• Tosk, Noble Prey (49 V 40)
• B'Elanna Torres, Chief Engineer (12 R 56)
• B'Elanna Torres, Straightforward Engineer (10 U 61)
Branson (35 V 20)
• Chell, Incessant Chatterbox (45 V 8)
• Declan Keogh, Veteran Captain (32 V 11)
Fredericks (28 V 27)
• Geordi La Forge, Battleship Engineer (17 V 60)
• Geordi La Forge, Resolute Presence (49 V 41)
• Harry Kim, Diligent Ensign (31 V 38)
• Hikaru Sulu, Experienced Helmsman (20 V 19)
• Jadzia Dax, Communications Staffer (12 R 66)
• James Morrow, Survivor (40 V 31)
• Julian Bashir, Medical Staffer (12 R 71)
• Klim Dokachin, Officious Quartermaster (49 V 43)
• Lon Suder, Casual Killer (32 V 12)
• Miles O'Brien, Engineering Staffer (12 U 77)
• Miles O'Brien, Vastly Outnumbered (20 V 26)
• Mortimer Harren, Reclusive Genius (34 V 33)
• Nog, Communications Relay (35 V 27)
• Nog, Defiant Captain (28 V 32)
• Orfil Quinteros (12 U 79)
• Patrick, Idiot Savant (3 U 179)
• Pavel A. Chekov, Experienced Adept (40 V 34)
Ralami (40 V 35)
• Reginald Barclay, Reclusive Engineer (3 R 180)
• Rhys Parker, Fulfilling Destiny (28 V 34)
• Seven of Nine, Undercover Operative (28 V 36)
• Spock, Experienced Officer (20 V 30)
• Stadi, Focused (10 C 82)
• St. John Talbot, Embittered Consul (35 V 30)
• Tal Celes, Imprecise Analyst (34 V 34)
• Tom Paris, Best Pilot You Could Have (10 R 84)
• Tuvok, Stolid Ensign (38 V 29)
• Wesley Crusher, Battleship Helmsman (13 C 82)
• William Patrick Samuels, Maquis Saboteur (2 U 132)
• Worf, Clandestine Staffer (25 V 43)
• Brunt, Nice Guy (13 U 85)
Kayron (35 V 31)
• Quark, Opportunistic Envoy (33 V 43)
• B'Elanna Torres, Mother of the Kuvah'magh (28 V 40)
Bregath (2 C 133)
Kamok (34 V 36)
Kar'meth (34 V 37)
• Kavok, Challenging Captain (49 V 48)
Kromm (35 V 33)
• Kruge, Instinctive Commander (11 PF 22)
Nirok (34 V 38)
• Amaros, Freedom Fighter (22 V 39)
• Etana Jol, Ktarian Operative (1 U 326)
• Joaquin, Superhuman Lieutenant (29 V 41)
• Khan Noonien Singh, Bold Man (12 R 102)
• Leonardo da Vinci, Renaissance Man (48 V 16)
• Lily Sloane, Voice of Reason (48 V 17)
• Noonien Soong, Often-Wrong (7 R 104)
• One One, Efficiency Expert (29 V 46)
• Rax'Na (38 V 39)
• Skalaar, Bounty Hunter (12 C 104)
Thon (10 R 99)
• Udar, "Smike" (29 V 50)
• Zefram Cochrane, Ready to Make History (8 R 90)
• Zero Zero, Efficiency Expert (29 V 52)
• Caithlin Dar, Innocent Consul (35 V 34)
• Cretak, Supporter of the Alliance (1 S 356)
Jera (13 C 101)
• Lovok, Tal Shiar Colonel (1 R 361)
• Movar, Political General (1 S 363)
Nevala (14 C 105)
Rasul (35 V 36)
• Telek R'Mor, Anachronistic Visitor (28 V 48)
• Telek R'Mor, Astrophysical Researcher (1 R 375)
• Tomek, Displaced Alien (13 C 102)
• T'Rul, Curt Subcommander (2 U 166)
• Charles Tucker III, Damaged Engineer (22 V 46)
• Henry Archer, Trailblazing Engineer (32 V 17)
• Kelby, Arrogant Engineer (8 U 107)
• Malcolm Reed, Damaged Security Officer (22 V 48)
• Malcolm Reed, Protocol Pioneer (40 V 44)
• Travis Mayweather, Damaged Navigator (22 V 51)
• Travis Mayweather, Space Boomer (8 R 113)
Assault Vessel (1 U 380)
Bajoran Interceptor (1 C 381)
Bajoran Scout Vessel (1 C 382)
• Talnot (4 U 178)
Borg Cube (3 C 198)
• Borg Queen's Vessel, Borg Flagship (14 R 111)
Borg Sphere (3 S 199)
• Sphere 117, Renegade Borg Sphere (25 V 51)
• Bralek (1 R 383)
Galor (1 C 384)
Keldon (1 C 385)
Jem'Hadar Warship (3 C 203)
U.S.S. Akira (1 S 390)
• U.S.S. Centaur, Patrolling Ship (19 V 15)
U.S.S. Excelsior (1 C 393)
U.S.S. Galaxy (1 C 394)
U.S.S. Nebula (1 S 395)
U.S.S. Sovereign (1 U 396)
D'kora Marauder (7 C 117)
Personal Transport (7 C 119)
• U.S.S. Stargazer, Dangerous Gift (41 V 27)
I.K.S. K't'inga (1 C 398)
I.K.S. K'Vort (1 U 399)
• I.K.S. Maht-H'a (1 R 401)
I.K.S. Vor'cha (1 S 403)
Flaxian Scout Vessel (1 C 404)
• Kyana's Hope, Temporal Weapon (15 V 45)
Mercenary Ship (2 C 176)
Miradorn Raider (1 C 405)
Tamarian Vessel (1 C 407)
T'Lani Munitions Ship (1 C 406)
D'deridex (1 S 408)
• Kilhra, Hidden Threat (22 V 53)
Romulan Scout Vessel (1 C 412)
• Future Enterprise, Displaced Starship (20 V 45)