Small Cloaking Device | openCards

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Small Cloaking Device

    Small Cloaking Device

    Device obtained by Quark. Illegal under Bajoran law. Quark gave it to Natima Lang so she could elude Cardassian authorities, but warned her it would work only for a short time.

    Equipment Equipment
    Special icons: Countdown 4

    Reports for free if your Smuggling or Acquisition present. While aboard your ship with no staffing requirements, ship has a Cloaking Device. Counts down only while engaged.

    Characteristics: play for free / report for free, Cloaking Device.

    Card logging info: Logged by openCards team at May 1st, 2009.

    Small Cloaking Device

    This Card-Review article was written by Todd Soper and was published first on "The Continuing Committee (" at Nov 11th, 1999.

    This gem of an equipment card adds all the "oomph" you'll need to help your ships with no staffing requirements avoid battle. With enemy ships marauding the spaceline more and more frequently, the Small Cloaking Device provides your smallest ships with a way to survive without being easy targets. Use it in conjunction with Establish Landing Protocols so that if your ship just took off from a planet and can't land again that turn, cloak it! If you see your opponent heading towards your landed ship with a Breen CRM114, the Small Cloaking Device will keep your ship hidden and safe. Just beware of the countdown, and make sure you don't leave your ship somewhere vulnerable when the cloak expires!


    • Small Cloaking Device + Bajoran Interceptor + The Emissary: Land the ship and cloak it when necessary to create the ultimate safe haven for reporting your Bajorans.
    • Small Cloaking Device + Ferengi Shuttle + Cargo Bay: Send your Ferengi Shuttle on a cloaked "cargo run" and then take the Small Cloaking Device to the Cargo Bay to complete the transaction.