Actual Rule-Documents for ST1E
You will find an overview of the actual rules for ST1E here. Actual means: rules provided by "The Continuing Committee" ( as the actual "manufactor" of Star Trek First Edition. However you can also brows the "old" Rule-Documents by the former manufactor Decipher (see riter "Search Decipher rules"). Actual also means: we want to show you only the latest version of e.g. the "Current Rulings Document" on this site. But you can find older versions of the different rule types in our database (see riter "Search trekcc rules").
Published | Rule-Type | Title | Language |
Dec 19th, 2018 | OTF Ban List | OTF Ban List - 2018-12-20 | |
Dec 19th, 2018 | Dilemma Resolution Guide | Dilemma Resolution Guide 2018-12-20 | |
Jul 1st, 2018 | Current-Rulings | Current Rulings 2018-07-02 | |
Dec 31st, 2017 | Glossary | Glossary - Version 1.9.5 | |
Feb 29th, 2016 | OTF Rules | Official Tournament Format (OTF) | |
Jul 5th, 2015 | Conversion Rules | Conversion Rules (for ST2E cards) | |
Mar 3rd, 2013 | Revised Format | Revised Tournament Format - V8.2 |
There are three RuleDocuments that are relevant for the First Edition game play. The First Edition Rulebook and Glossary explains in detail how 1E works. You will find here all important concepts, the turn sequence and how to execute orders. Periodic updates of the rules will be published in a separate Current-Rulings document - normally once per month.
You will find the actual version of the Rulebook as online document on TrekCC (and therefor only older versions of the Rulebook as PDF version here on openCards). See here for the actual version of the First Edition Rulebook.
If you like to play with backward compatible ST2E cards in First Edition, you also have to follow the Second Edition Conversion Rule.
For inofficial House-Rules and special formats see here.