"sisko23's" tradelist overview for "Premiere WB95" | openCards

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"sisko23's" tradelist overview for "Premiere WB95"

    You see the tradelist for "Premiere WB95" form openCards member "sisko23" here. Hint: You will see only those card here, where "sisko23" has already editied "Haves" and/or "Wants" in his or her collection. So, if you miss a card form this expansion or special set here, it's because "sisko23" has no corresponding trade cards edited in his or her collection on openCards. Please keep also in mind: a user may mark a card multiple times for "Haves" or/and "Wants" - this could be a explanation for high numbers of "Haves" and/or "Wants" for a single card.

    "sisko23's" tradelist for "Premiere WB95":

    InfoNameRarityType# Haves# Wants
    ST1E 1 R 1 (WB95)Betazoid Gift BoxRareArtifact10
    ST1E 1 R 2 (WB95)Horga'hnRareArtifact20
    ST1E 1 R 3 (WB95)Interphase GeneratorRareArtifact20
    ST1E 1 R 4 (WB95)Kurlan NaiskosRareArtifact20
    ST1E 1 R 5 (WB95)Thought MakerRareArtifact10
    ST1E 1 R 7 (WB95)Tox UthatRareArtifact10
    ST1E 1 R 8 (WB95)Varon-T DisruptorRareArtifact30
    ST1E 1 R 9 (WB95)Vulcan Stone of GolRareArtifact10
    ST1E 1 R 15 (WB95)Armus - Skin of EvilRareDilemma10
    ST1E 1 R 16 (WB95)Barclay's Protomorphosis DiseaseRareDilemma10
    ST1E 1 R 18 (WB95)Borg ShipRareDilemma10
    ST1E 1 R 21 (WB95)Crystalline EntityRareDilemma10
    ST1E 1 R 22 (WB95)CytheriansRareDilemma20
    ST1E 1 R 31 (WB95)Ktarian GameRareDilemma10
    ST1E 1 R 37 (WB95)NagilumRareDilemma10
    ST1E 1 R 44 (WB95)QRareDilemma10
    ST1E 1 R 48 (WB95)SarjenkaRareDilemma20
    ST1E 1 R 51 (WB95)Temporal Causality LoopRareDilemma10
    ST1E 1 R 52 (WB95)Tsiolkovsky InfectionRareDilemma10
    ST1E 1 R 54 (WB95)Wind DancerRareDilemma10
    ST1E 1 R 67 (WB95)Anti-Time AnomalyRareEvent10
    ST1E 1 R 69 (WB95)Bynars Weapon EnhancementRareEvent10
    ST1E 1 R 77 (WB95)Goddess of EmpathyRareEvent10
    ST1E 1 R 80 (WB95)Lore ReturnsRareEvent20
    ST1E 1 R 81 (WB95)Lore's FingernailRareEvent10
    ST1E 1 R 95 (WB95)SupernovaRareEvent10
    ST1E 1 R 102 (WB95)Warp Core BreachRareEvent10
    ST1E 1 R 107 (WB95)Alien GroupieRareInterrupt10
    ST1E 1 R 111 (WB95)CrosisRareInterrupt10
    ST1E 1 R 118 (WB95)Honor ChallengeRareInterrupt10
    ST1E 1 R 119 (WB95)HughRareInterrupt30
    ST1E 1 R 123 (WB95)Jaglom Shrek - Information BrokerRareInterrupt10
    ST1E 1 R 125 (WB95)Klingon Death YellRareInterrupt10
    ST1E 1 R 141 (WB95)The DevilRareInterrupt10
    ST1E 1 R 195 (WB95)Federation icon Albert EinsteinRarePersonnel10
    ST1E 1 R 197 (WB95)Federation icon Alynna NechayevRarePersonnel10
    ST1E 1 R 200 (WB95)Federation icon Beverly CrusherRarePersonnel20
    ST1E 1 R 204 (WB95)Federation icon DataRarePersonnel30
    ST1E 1 R 205 (WB95)Federation icon Deanna TroiRarePersonnel10
    ST1E 1 R 206 (WB95)Federation icon Dr. La ForgeRarePersonnel10
    ST1E 1 R 207 (WB95)Federation icon Dr. Leah BrahmsRarePersonnel10
    ST1E 1 R 212 (WB95)Federation icon Geordi La ForgeRarePersonnel20
    ST1E 1 R 215 (WB95)Federation icon Jean-Luc PicardRarePersonnel10
    ST1E 1 R 218 (WB95)Federation icon K'EhleyrRarePersonnel10
    ST1E 1 R 219 (WB95)Federation icon Leah BrahmsRarePersonnel30
    ST1E 1 R 221 (WB95)Federation icon Lwaxana TroiRarePersonnel10
    ST1E 1 R 224 (WB95)Federation icon Morgan BatesonRarePersonnel30
    ST1E 1 R 226 (WB95)Federation icon Neela DarenRarePersonnel30
    ST1E 1 R 229 (WB95)Federation icon Reginald BarclayRarePersonnel20
    ST1E 1 R 230 (WB95)Federation icon Richard GalenRarePersonnel20
    ST1E 1 R 232 (WB95)Federation icon Ro LarenRarePersonnel10
    ST1E 1 R 233 (WB95)Federation icon SarekRarePersonnel10
    ST1E 1 R 234 (WB95)Federation icon SatelkRarePersonnel10
    ST1E 1 R 237 (WB95)Federation icon Sir Isaac NewtonRarePersonnel10
    ST1E 1 R 243 (WB95)Federation icon Tasha YarRarePersonnel10
    ST1E 1 R 245 (WB95)Federation icon Thomas RikerRarePersonnel10
    ST1E 1 R 248 (WB95)Federation icon VashRarePersonnel20
    ST1E 1 R 249 (WB95)Federation icon Wesley CrusherRarePersonnel10
    ST1E 1 R 250 (WB95)Federation icon William T. RikerRarePersonnel20
    ST1E 1 R 251 (WB95)Federation icon WorfRarePersonnel20
    ST1E 1 R 254 (WB95)Klingon icon B'EtorRarePersonnel10
    ST1E 1 R 258 (WB95)Klingon icon DurasRarePersonnel10
    ST1E 1 R 261 (WB95)Klingon icon GowronRarePersonnel20
    ST1E 1 R 263 (WB95)Klingon icon KahlessRarePersonnel20
    ST1E 1 R 264 (WB95)Klingon icon KarganRarePersonnel10
    ST1E 1 R 276 (WB95)Klingon icon KurakRarePersonnel10
    ST1E 1 R 277 (WB95)Klingon icon KurnRarePersonnel10
    ST1E 1 R 280 (WB95)Klingon icon LursaRarePersonnel10
    ST1E 1 R 302 (WB95)Non-Aligned icon Roga DanarRarePersonnel20
    ST1E 1 R 304 (WB95)Romulan icon Alidar JarokRarePersonnel10
    ST1E 1 R 309 (WB95)Romulan icon MendakRarePersonnel10
    ST1E 1 R 317 (WB95)Romulan icon SelaRarePersonnel10
    ST1E 1 R 329 (WB95)Romulan icon TorethRarePersonnel10
    ST1E 1 R 333 (WB95)Federation icon U.S.S. BrittainRareShip10
    ST1E 1 R 334 (WB95)Federation icon U.S.S. EnterpriseRareShip10
    ST1E 1 R 337 (WB95)Federation icon U.S.S. HoodRareShip10
    ST1E 1 R 341 (WB95)Federation icon U.S.S. PhoenixRareShip10
    ST1E 1 R 343 (WB95)Federation icon U.S.S. YamatoRareShip10
    ST1E 1 R 344 (WB95)Klingon icon I.K.C. BortasRareShip10
    ST1E 1 R 345 (WB95)Klingon icon I.K.C. BurukRareShip10
    ST1E 1 R 346 (WB95)Klingon icon I.K.C. Hegh'taRareShip10
    ST1E 1 R 348 (WB95)Klingon icon I.K.C. PaghRareShip10
    ST1E 1 R 349 (WB95)Klingon icon I.K.C. Qu'VatRareShip10
    ST1E 1 R 358 (WB95)Romulan icon DevorasRareShip10
    ST1E 1 R 359 (WB95)Romulan icon HaakonaRareShip10
    ST1E 1 R 360 (WB95)Romulan icon KhazaraRareShip10
    ST1E 1 R 361 (WB95)Romulan icon PiRareShip10

    Within this selection you can generate PDF files about the Tradelists ("Haves" and "Wants") of openCards user "sisko23". Simply click on one of the following links and the automatically generated PDF list will open (only condition: you must have an PDF reader on you local computer).

    sisko23's Tradelist: haves & wants
    sisko23's: haves only
    sisko23's: wants only
    sisko23's: Star Trek First Edition haves & wants
    sisko23's: Star Trek First Edition haves only
    sisko23's: Star Trek First Edition wants only
    sisko23's: Premiere WB95 haves & wants
    sisko23's: Premiere WB95 haves only
    sisko23's: Premiere WB95 wants only