Introduction Tradelists on openCards
Use Tradelists on openCards to offer your trade cards other openCards members on the one hand and to show other members, which cards you are looking for on the other hand. Accordingly all tradelists of all openCards members are availible here. Thereby you can browse this list in two different ways, to find any cards:
All lists can be filtered with regard to thier currentness - so you can explude Tradelists from users, that may be no longer active on openCards.You can define your own Tradelists inside your openCards Collection. After saving any "Haves" or "Wants" for your Collection, those cards appear auomatically as your Tradelists and are visible for all other users of openCards here.
If you view any single card in this area, we provide the following information for you: first, the Collection-Info form the openCards Library about this card including all trade relevant information like it's rarity or the list of reprints of that card. Second, you will find there the tradelists of all openCards memebers, that have marked this card either as "Have" or as "Want" inside thier collection. So you can send any of them a "private Message" to initiate a trade offer (use the link "PM" behind any member name).