"Grealiusz's" tradelist overview for "Second Edition" | openCards

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"Grealiusz's" tradelist overview for "Second Edition"

    You see the tradelist for "Second Edition" form openCards member "Grealiusz" here. Hint: You will see only those card here, where "Grealiusz" has already editied "Haves" and/or "Wants" in his or her collection. So, if you miss a card form this expansion or special set here, it's because "Grealiusz" has no corresponding trade cards edited in his or her collection on openCards. Please keep also in mind: a user may mark a card multiple times for "Haves" or/and "Wants" - this could be a explanation for high numbers of "Haves" and/or "Wants" for a single card.

    "Grealiusz's" tradelist for "Second Edition":

    InfoNameRarityType# Haves# Wants
    ST2E 1 R 10Berserk ChangelingRareDilemma10
    ST2E 1 R 30Impressive TrophiesRareDilemma10
    ST2E 1 R 46Pursuit Just BehindRareDilemma10
    ST2E 1 R 61Alien Gambling DeviceRareEquipment10
    ST2E 1 R 76Awaiting TrialRareEvent10
    ST2E 1 R 89For All Our SonsRareEvent10
    ST2E 1 R 122Arrest OrderRareInterrupt10
    ST2E 1 R 124Condition CaptiveRareInterrupt10
    ST2E 1 R 216Bajoran icon Kira Nerys, Colonel KiraRarePersonnel10
    ST2E 1 R 223Bajoran icon Rom, Diagnostic and Repair TechnicianRarePersonnel20
    ST2E 1 R 230Cardassian icon Corbin Entek, Undercover Operations SupervisorRarePersonnel10
    ST2E 1 R 238Cardassian icon Enabran Tain, Head of the Obsidian OrderRarePersonnel10
    ST2E 1 R 239Cardassian icon Evek, Attaché to the Demilitarized ZoneRarePersonnel10
    ST2E 1 R 248Cardassian icon Ocett, Dogged RivalRarePersonnel10
    ST2E 1 R 269Federation icon Julian Bashir, "Frontier" PhysicianRarePersonnel20
    ST2E 1 R 304Klingon icon Koloth, D'akturakRarePersonnel10
    ST2E 1 R 313Klingon icon Morka, Klingon Intelligence AgentRarePersonnel10
    ST2E 1 R 342Non-Aligned icon Retaya, Urbane PoisonerRarePersonnel10
    ST2E 1 R 348Non-Aligned icon The Albino, Killer of ChildrenRarePersonnel10
    ST2E 1 R 371Romulan icon Suran, Ambitious CommanderRarePersonnel10
    ST2E 1 R 401Klingon icon I.K.S. Maht-H'aRareShip10
    ST2E 1 R 411Romulan icon HaakonaRareShip20
    ST2E 1 R 414Romulan icon SerrolaRareShip10
    ST2E 1 R 415Romulan icon ValdoreRareShip10

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    Grealiusz's Tradelist: haves & wants
    Grealiusz's: haves only
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    Grealiusz's: Star Trek Second Edition haves & wants
    Grealiusz's: Star Trek Second Edition haves only
    Grealiusz's: Star Trek Second Edition wants only
    Grealiusz's: Second Edition haves & wants
    Grealiusz's: Second Edition haves only
    Grealiusz's: Second Edition wants only