"Scherzkeksi's" tradelist overview for "The Hunters" | openCards

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"Scherzkeksi's" tradelist overview for "The Hunters"

    You see the tradelist for "The Hunters" form openCards member "Scherzkeksi" here. Hint: You will see only those card here, where "Scherzkeksi" has already editied "Haves" and/or "Wants" in his or her collection. So, if you miss a card form this expansion or special set here, it's because "Scherzkeksi" has no corresponding trade cards edited in his or her collection on openCards. Please keep also in mind: a user may mark a card multiple times for "Haves" or/and "Wants" - this could be a explanation for high numbers of "Haves" and/or "Wants" for a single card.

    "Scherzkeksi's" tradelist for "The Hunters":

    InfoNameRarityType# Haves# Wants
    LotR 15 R 1 The One Ring, The Ring of DoomRareThe One Ring01
    LotR 15 S 2 The One Ring, The Ruling RingStarterThe One Ring01
    LotR 15 U 3Dwarven icon Chamber of RecordsUncommonCondition01
    LotR 15 C 5Dwarven icon Gimli, Eager HunterCommonCompanion01
    LotR 15 R 6Dwarven icon Gloin, Son of GróinRareCompanion01
    LotR 15 U 7Dwarven icon Heavy AxeUncommonPossession01
    LotR 15 C 8Dwarven icon Sturdy StockCommonEvent01
    LotR 15 R 9Dwarven icon Well-crafted ArmorRarePossession01
    LotR 15 C 10Dwarven icon Whatever EndCommonCondition01
    LotR 15 R 11Elven icon Arwen, She-ElfRareCompanion01
    LotR 15 R 12Elven icon Dinendal, Mirkwood ArcherRareFollower01
    LotR 15 C 13Elven icon Elven BowCommonPossession01
    LotR 15 C 14Elven icon Elven WarriorCommonCompanion01
    LotR 15 C 15Elven icon FocusCommonCondition01
    LotR 15 U 16Elven icon Gift of the Evenstar, Blessed LightUncommonArtifact01
    LotR 15 U 17Elven icon Haldir, Sentry of the Golden WoodUncommonCompanion01
    LotR 15 S 18Elven icon Legolas, Fleet-footed HunterStarterCompanion01
    LotR 15 R 19Elven icon Legolas, of the Woodland RealmRareCompanion01
    LotR 15 U 20Elven icon Lórien's BlessingUncommonEvent01
    LotR 15 U 21Elven icon Mighty ShotUncommonEvent01
    LotR 15 R 22Elven icon The Mirror of Galadriel, Dangerous GuideRareArtifact01
    LotR 15 C 23Elven icon Point Blank RangeCommonEvent01
    LotR 15 R 24Elven icon Spied From AfarRareCondition01
    LotR 15 C 25Elven icon Sword of the FallenCommonPossession01
    LotR 15 U 26Elven icon Uruviel, Woodland MaidUncommonFollower01
    LotR 15 U 27Gandalf icon Be Gone!UncommonEvent01
    LotR 15 C 28Gandalf icon Ent AvengerCommonCompanion01
    LotR 15 R 29Gandalf icon Gandalf, Powerful GuideRareCompanion01
    LotR 15 R 30Gandalf icon Leaflock, FinglasRareCompanion01
    LotR 15 R 31Gandalf icon Mellon!RareCondition01
    LotR 15 U 32Gandalf icon Momentous GatheringUncommonEvent01
    LotR 15 U 33Gandalf icon One Last SurpriseUncommonEvent01
    LotR 15 R 34Gandalf icon Quickbeam, Hastiest of All EntsRareCompanion01
    LotR 15 R 35Gandalf icon Shadow of the WoodRareCompanion01
    LotR 15 U 36Gandalf icon Shepherd of the TreesUncommonCompanion01
    LotR 15 R 37Gandalf icon Skinbark, Elder EntRareCompanion01
    LotR 15 U 38Gandalf icon Treebeard, Enraged ShepherdUncommonCompanion01
    LotR 15 R 39Gollum icon Called to MordorRareCondition01
    LotR 15 U 40Gollum icon Connected by FateUncommonCondition01
    LotR 15 R 41Gollum icon Controlled by the RingRareCondition01
    LotR 15 U 42Gollum icon Desperate MoveUncommonEvent01
    LotR 15 R 43Gollum icon Gollum, HopelessRareMinion01
    LotR 15 R 44Gollum icon Herbs and Stewed RabbitRareCondition01
    LotR 15 U 45Gollum icon Hurry HobbitsesUncommonEvent01
    LotR 15 C 46Gollum icon Nice FishCommonCondition01
    LotR 15 C 47Gollum icon Not This Time!CommonCondition01
    LotR 15 R 48Gollum icon Release ThemRareEvent01
    LotR 15 C 49Gollum icon Sméagol, Wretched and HungryCommonCompanion01
    LotR 15 R 50Gollum icon Something SlimyRareEvent01
    LotR 15 U 51Gollum icon Sudden StrikeUncommonEvent01
    LotR 15 U 52Gollum icon Swear By the PreciousUncommonEvent01
    LotR 15 U 53Gollum icon Unseen FoeUncommonEvent01
    LotR 15 R 54Gondor icon Aragorn, Swift HunterRareCompanion01
    LotR 15 R 55Gondor icon Aragorn, ThorongilRareCompanion01
    LotR 15 R 56Gondor icon Aragorn's Bow, Ranger's LongbowRarePossession01
    LotR 15 R 57Gondor icon Damrod, Dunadan of GondorRareCompanion01
    LotR 15 U 58Gondor icon Decorated BarricadeUncommonCondition01
    LotR 15 R 59Gondor icon Dunedain of the SouthRareCompanion01
    LotR 15 C* 60ADwarven icon Forth the Three Hunters!Alternate Image CommonCondition01
    LotR 15 C* 60BElven icon Forth the Three Hunters!Alternate Image CommonCondition01
    LotR 15 C* 60CGondor icon Forth the Three Hunters!Alternate Image CommonCondition01
    LotR 15 C 61Gondor icon Gondorian ProwlerCommonCompanion01
    LotR 15 U 62Gondor icon Ithilien BladeUncommonPossession01
    LotR 15 C 63Gondor icon Mablung, Ranger of IthilienCommonCompanion01
    LotR 15 U 64Gondor icon Madril, Defender of OsgiliathUncommonCompanion01
    LotR 15 R 65Gondor icon No Quicker PathRareCondition01
    LotR 15 C 66Gondor icon No Travellers In This LandCommonEvent01
    LotR 15 U 67Gondor icon PorticoUncommonCondition01
    LotR 15 U 68Gondor icon Ranger's CloakUncommonPossession01
    LotR 15 C 69Gondor icon Silent TravelerCommonCompanion01
    LotR 15 C 70Gondor icon Tremendous WallCommonCondition01
    LotR 15 R 71Gondor icon Unyielding RangerRareCompanion01
    LotR 15 C 72Men icon Bill Ferny, Agent of SarumanCommonMinion01
    LotR 15 R 73Men icon Bold EasterlingRareMinion01
    LotR 15 C 74Men icon Chieftain of DunlandCommonMinion01
    LotR 15 R 75Men icon Courageous EasterlingRareMinion01
    LotR 15 C 76Men icon Destroyed HomesteadCommonCondition01
    LotR 15 R 77Men icon Easterling ScoutRareMinion01
    LotR 15 C 78Men icon Engrossed HillmanCommonMinion01
    LotR 15 U 79Men icon Enraged HerdsmanUncommonMinion01
    LotR 15 U 80Men icon Great AxeUncommonPossession01
    LotR 15 C 81Men icon Grieving the FallenCommonCondition01
    LotR 15 U 82Men icon Grousing HillmanUncommonMinion01
    LotR 15 C 83Men icon Hunting HerdsmanCommonMinion01
    LotR 15 C 84Men icon Last GaspCommonEvent01
    LotR 15 R 85Men icon Lying CounselRareEvent01
    LotR 15 U 86Men icon Mûmak Commander, Giant Among the SwertingsUncommonMinion01
    LotR 15 R 87Men icon Primitive SavageRareMinion01
    LotR 15 R 88Men icon Pursuing HordeRareCondition01
    LotR 15 U 89Men icon Rapid ReloadUncommonCondition01
    LotR 15 U 90Men icon Rapt HillmanUncommonMinion01
    LotR 15 U 91Men icon Ravaging Wild ManUncommonMinion01
    LotR 15 C 92Men icon Savage SouthronCommonMinion01
    LotR 15 U 93Men icon Swarthy HillmanUncommonMinion01
    LotR 15 C 94Men icon Wandering HillmanCommonMinion01
    LotR 15 U 95Orc icon Battlefield RecruitUncommonMinion01
    LotR 15 S 96Orc icon Battlefield VeteranStarterMinion01
    LotR 15 S 97Orc icon Beasts of BurdenStarterCondition01
    LotR 15 C 98Orc icon Black Gate SentryCommonMinion01
    LotR 15 U 99Orc icon Black Land ChieftainUncommonMinion01
    LotR 15 R 100Orc icon Black Land CommanderRareMinion01
    LotR 15 C 101Orc icon Black Land ObserverCommonMinion01
    LotR 15 C 102Orc icon Black Land OverlordCommonMinion01
    LotR 15 U 103Orc icon Black Land RunnerUncommonMinion01
    LotR 15 C 104Orc icon Black Land ShriekerCommonMinion01
    LotR 15 R 105Orc icon Black Land SpyRareMinion01
    LotR 15 C 106Orc icon Coordinated EffortCommonCondition01
    LotR 15 U 107Orc icon Desolation OrcUncommonMinion01
    LotR 15 C 108Orc icon Destructive OrcCommonMinion01
    LotR 15 C 109Orc icon Gorbag, Filthy RebelCommonMinion01
    LotR 15 R 110Orc icon Isengard MarauderRareMinion01
    LotR 15 C 111Orc icon Moria MenaceCommonMinion01
    LotR 15 U 112Orc icon Mountain-trollUncommonMinion01
    LotR 15 R 113Orc icon Orkish CampRareCondition01
    LotR 15 U 114Orc icon Orkish Hunting SpearUncommonPossession01
    LotR 15 U 115Orc icon Pummeling BlowUncommonCondition01
    LotR 15 U 116Orc icon Scouting OrcUncommonMinion01
    LotR 15 C 117Orc icon Tower TrollCommonMinion01
    LotR 15 R 118Orc icon Unmistakable OmenRareCondition01
    LotR 15 U 119Orc icon Unreasonable ChoiceUncommonEvent01
    LotR 15 R 120Orc icon Veteran War ChiefRareMinion01
    LotR 15 C 121Rohan icon Brilliant LightCommonEvent01
    LotR 15 C 122Rohan icon Burial MoundsCommonEvent01
    LotR 15 R 123Rohan icon Eomer, HorsemasterRareCompanion01
    LotR 15 R 124Rohan icon Eomer's Spear, Trusty WeaponRarePossession01
    LotR 15 R 125Rohan icon Eowyn, Willing FighterRareCompanion01
    LotR 15 C 126Rohan icon Gamling, The OldCommonCompanion01
    LotR 15 S 127Rohan icon Grim TrophyStarterEvent01
    LotR 15 C 128Rohan icon Haleth, Son of HamaCommonCompanion01
    LotR 15 U 129Rohan icon Horse of Great StatureUncommonPossession01
    LotR 15 U 130Rohan icon Horseman of the NorthUncommonCompanion01
    LotR 15 C 131Rohan icon Our InspirationCommonEvent01
    LotR 15 C 132Rohan icon Last Days of My HouseCommonEvent01
    LotR 15 U 133Rohan icon Rider's MountUncommonPossession01
    LotR 15 C 134Rohan icon Rohan Stable MasterCommonFollower01
    LotR 15 U 135Rohan icon Rohan WorkerUncommonFollower01
    LotR 15 R 136Rohan icon Rohirrim AxeRarePossession01
    LotR 15 C 137Rohan icon Rohirrim DoorwardenCommonFollower01
    LotR 15 U 138Rohan icon Rohirrim SoldierUncommonCompanion01
    LotR 15 S 139Rohan icon Rohirrim WarriorStarterCompanion01
    LotR 15 U 140Rohan icon Spear of the MarkUncommonPossession01
    LotR 15 U 141Rohan icon Sturdy ShieldUncommonPossession01
    LotR 15 R 142Rohan icon Swift StrokeRareEvent01
    LotR 15 U 143Shire icon Community LivingUncommonEvent01
    LotR 15 C 144Shire icon Frodo, Weary From the JourneyCommonCompanion01
    LotR 15 C 145Shire icon Hobbit SwordCommonPossession01
    LotR 15 C 146Shire icon Hobbiton Brewer, Maker of Fine AlesCommonFollower01
    LotR 15 R 147Shire icon Hobbiton Farmer, Lover of PipeweedRareFollower01
    LotR 15 C 148Shire icon Little Golden FlowerCommonCondition01
    LotR 15 R 149Shire icon Merry, The Tall OneRareCompanion01
    LotR 15 C 150Shire icon No VisitorsCommonEvent01
    LotR 15 C 151Shire icon Pippin, The Short OneCommonCompanion01
    LotR 15 C 152Shire icon RelaxationCommonCondition01
    LotR 15 R 153Shire icon Sam, Innocent TravelerRareCompanion01
    LotR 15 U 154Shire icon Second BreakfastUncommonEvent01
    LotR 15 R 155Uruk-hai icon Advancing HordeRareMinion01
    LotR 15 R 156Uruk-hai icon Charging UrukRareMinion01
    LotR 15 C 157Uruk-hai icon Chasing UrukCommonMinion01
    LotR 15 C 158Uruk-hai icon Covetous UrukCommonMinion01
    LotR 15 C 159Uruk-hai icon Defensive RushCommonCondition01
    LotR 15 U 160Uruk-hai icon Following UrukUncommonMinion01
    LotR 15 U 161Uruk-hai icon Hunting UrukUncommonMinion01
    LotR 15 C 162Uruk-hai icon Lurtz, Now PerfectedCommonMinion01
    LotR 15 R 163Uruk-hai icon Lurtz's Sword, Mighty LongswordRarePossession01
    LotR 15 R 164Uruk-hai icon Mauhur, Relentless HunterRareMinion01
    LotR 15 S 165Uruk-hai icon Merciless BerserkerStarterMinion01
    LotR 15 R 166Uruk-hai icon Poised for AssaultRareCondition01
    LotR 15 U 167Uruk-hai icon Pursuing UrukUncommonMinion01
    LotR 15 C 168Uruk-hai icon Searching UrukCommonMinion01
    LotR 15 U 169Uruk-hai icon Seeking UrukUncommonMinion01
    LotR 15 C 170Uruk-hai icon Sentry UrukCommonMinion01
    LotR 15 R 171Uruk-hai icon Tracking UrukRareMinion01
    LotR 15 S 172Uruk-hai icon Uglúk, Ugly FellowStarterMinion01
    LotR 15 R 173Uruk-hai icon Uglúk's Sword, Weapon of CommandRarePossession01
    LotR 15 R 174Uruk-hai icon Uruk Cavern StrikerRareMinion01
    LotR 15 R 175Uruk-hai icon Uruk InfantryRareMinion01
    LotR 15 U 176Uruk-hai icon Uruk Village AssassinUncommonMinion01
    LotR 15 C 177Uruk-hai icon Uruk Village RagerCommonMinion01
    LotR 15 U 178Uruk-hai icon Uruk Village StormerUncommonMinion01
    LotR 15 C 179Uruk-hai icon Violent HurlCommonEvent01
    LotR 15 C 180Uruk-hai icon With All Possible SpeedCommonCondition01
    LotR 15 R 181Ringwraith icon Later Than You ThinkRareEvent01
    LotR 15 U 182Ringwraith icon A Shadow Fell Over ThemUncommonCondition01
    LotR 15 R 183Ringwraith icon They Feel the PreciousRareCondition01
    LotR 15 U 184Ringwraith icon Úlairë Attëa, Desirous of PowerUncommonMinion01
    LotR 15 R 185Ringwraith icon Úlairë Lemenya, Eternally ThreateningRareMinion01
    LotR 15 R 186Ringwraith icon Úlairë Nelya, Fell RiderRareMinion01
    LotR 15 R 187Anduin RiverRareSite01
    LotR 15 U 188Breeding Pit of IsengardUncommonSite01
    LotR 15 U 189City GatesUncommonSite01
    LotR 15 U 190East Wall of RohanUncommonSite01
    LotR 15 U 191Gate of MordorUncommonSite01
    LotR 15 U 192Isengard RuinedUncommonSite01
    LotR 15 U 193Mount DoomUncommonSite01
    LotR 15 R 194Westfold VillageRareSite01

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