Tradelists for "Treebeard, Earthborn" | openCards

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Tradelists for "Treebeard, Earthborn"

    LotR libraryCollector's Info

    Promotion Foil card from The Two Towers Anthology (Copyright 2004)
    UCT-ID : LotR 4 TR 103 (manufactor info on card: 4 R 103)
    Print-Style : color (standard) / black border / foil
    List of "reprints" for Treebeard, Earthborn:
    - 4 R 103 from The Two Towers (first print)
    - 4 RF 103 from The Two Towers
    List of "personas" (same card title) for Treebeard:
    - Treebeard, Earthborn (LotR 4 R 103) - The Two Towers
    - Treebeard, Oldest Living Thing (LotR 4 C 104) - The Two Towers
    - Treebeard, Guardian of the Forest (LotR 6 C 37) - Ents of Fangorn
    - Treebeard, Keeper of the Watchwood (LotR 10 R 18) - Mount Doom
    - Treebeard, Enraged Shepherd (LotR 15 U 38) - The Hunters
    - Treebeard, Enemy of the Hand (LotR 0 W 4) - Triumph and Menace Series

    Treebeard, Earthborn

    Tradelists containing "Treebeard, Earthborn" (LotR 4 TR 103)

    These openCards members have "Treebeard, Earthborn" either as "Have" or as "Want" in thier LotR tradelist. To intitiate a trade, send a openCards "private Message" with your offer to a member on this list (click on "PM" behind the members name).

    To get more information about other offers of a member on this list, you can click either on his or her member name, to navigae to the overview of that members LotR tradelists, or you can click on the number of "Haves" OR "Wants", to navigate directely to that members tradelist, that include "Treebeard, Earthborn".

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