Tournament Prize Support (TF) | openCards

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[Tournament Prize Support] Tournament Prize Support (TF)

    Special set of 9 physical cards published by Decipher (2002-2006).

    Overview card types:
       Overview rarities:

    UCT-IDNamesort descendingRarityTypeAffiliation
    ST2E 0 TF 1

    Tournament Prize Support

    Tournament FoilPersonnelBajoran icon
    ST2E 0 TF 2

    Tournament Prize Support

    Tournament FoilPersonnelCardassian icon
    ST2E 0 TF 3

    Tournament Prize Support

    Tournament FoilPersonnelFederation icon
    ST2E 0 TF 4

    Tournament Prize Support

    Tournament FoilShipFederation icon
    ST2E 0 TF 5

    Tournament Prize Support

    Tournament FoilShipFederation icon
    ST2E 0 TF 6

    Tournament Prize Support

    Tournament FoilPersonnelKlingon icon
    ST2E 0 TF 7

    Tournament Prize Support

    Tournament FoilShipKlingon icon
    ST2E 0 TF 8

    Tournament Prize Support

    Tournament FoilPersonnelRomulan icon
    ST2E 0 TF 9

    Tournament Prize Support

    Tournament FoilShipRomulan icon

    Here you will find all Tournament Prize Support card that are not part of the "normal" promotion cards. This cards have no own collectors info printed of the card. These are the first tournament foils printed by Decipher between 2003 and 2005.