Interviews with manufacturers, distributors, players and tournament directors give you an exciting insight into the world of Star Trek Second Edition. We lay a special focus on interviews with the top players of the world concerning the big events like regional, continental and world championships.
These interviews have been carried out and published by members of the openCards writer team. You can find all of them in the openCards interview database (use riter "Search"). There you can search these interview by different criterias like the interview partner. Or you can browse the list of latest interviews to take a look at what happened last in the Second Edition scene (use riter "Latest").
So have fun reading these interviews!
Welcome to the overview of the latest ST2E Interviews
You will find the latest 3 Interviews here (order desc by publishing date).
ST2E World Champion 2018: Greg Dillon
This Interview article was written by Lucas Thompson and was published first on "The Continuing Committee (trekcc.org)" at Oct 18th, 2018.
Why did you choose the deck that you used? What other decks did you consider using?
Whenever I'm super serious about winning I always favour heavy interference/lockout type decks because I suppose I'm just not a fan of the RNG of a draw deck AND a dilemma pile to win games, plus I'm not that great at skill tracking/playing dilemmas. Having said that my top picks were my Masters of the Universe Relativity, Starfleet (basically Ambers Day 2 deck because I copied the one Ken played at a Masters earlier this year), the Romulan Assassins I used and a similar deck that was more focused on discards and getting a lockout with Sela/Sirol + Dangerous Liaisons/Secret Conspiracy.
European Continental Champion 2010
This Interview article was written by openCards user RedDwarf and was published first on "The Continuing Committee (trekcc.org)" at Jul 28th, 2010.
Interview with the EuropeaSee the rest of this Interview... This Interview article was written by openCards user Tribble. Want more? Search our comprehensive Interview database by different criterias for a particular article OR visit the latest published Interviews on openCards."Evolution of a Deck" 1: Swedish Borg regional winner