Expansions: The Fellowship of the Ring (FotR) 730 physical cards published by Decipher at 2001/11/06.
Mines of Moria (MoM) 244 physical cards published by Decipher at 2002/03/06 & 2002/03/13.
Realms of the Elf-Lords (RotEL) 244 physical cards published by Decipher at 2002/06/19 & 2002/07/03.
The Two Towers (TTT) 730 physical cards published by Decipher at 2002/11/06.
Battle of Helms Deep (BoHD) 256 physical cards published by Decipher at 2003/03/12.
Ents of Fangorn (EoF) 256 physical cards published by Decipher at 2003/07/02.
The Return of the King (TRotK) 730 physical cards published by Decipher at 2003/11/03.
Siege of Gondor (SoG) 244 physical cards published by Decipher at 2004/03/10.
Reflections (RF) 52 physical cards published by Decipher at 2004/05/12.
Mount Doom (MD) 244 physical cards published by Decipher at 2004/07/14.
Shadows (SD) 284 physical cards published by Decipher at 2004/11/03.
Black Rider (BR) 221 physical cards published by Decipher at 2005/03/18.
Bloodlines (BL) 221 physical cards published by Decipher at 2005/08/12.
Middle-earth Delux Draft Box (MDDE) 15 physical cards published by Decipher at 2006/02/17.
The Hunters (TH) 223 physical cards published by Decipher at 2006/06/09.
The Wraith Collection (TWC) 6 physical cards published by Decipher at 2006/08/26.
Rise of Saruman (RoS) 175 physical cards published by Decipher at 2007/03/01.
Treachery & Deceit (TD) 167 physical cards published by Decipher at 2007/05.
Age's End (AE) 40 physical cards published by Decipher at 2007/06.
| Special sets: Oversize Cards (OC) 16 physical cards published by Decipher at 2001/08 - Summer 2003.
Promotion Cards (Promo) 147 physical cards published by Decipher at Spring 2002 - Summer 2007.
Fellowship of the Ring Anthology (FotR-A) 18 physical cards published by Decipher at 2003/07/23.
The Two Towers Anthology (TTT-A) 18 physical cards published by Decipher at 2004/02/25.
Return of the King Antholoy (TRotK-A) 17 physical cards published by Decipher at .
War of The Ring Anthology (TWotR-A) 18 physical cards published by Decipher at 2005/09.
Triumph and Menace Series (TMS) 13 physical cards published by Decipher at .
Digital DGMA Promos (DP) 7 physical cards published by Decipher at .
Digital cards from Deciphers website (DDW) 5 physical cards published by Decipher at .