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You will find the latest 3 Strategy-Notes here (order desc by publishing date).
The Moria Culture
This Strategy-Note article was written by Steve Horton and was published first on "Lord of the Rings Online (".
See the rest of this Strategy-Note...The Shire Culture
This Strategy-Note article was written by Steve Horton and was published first on "Lord of the Rings Online (".
See the rest of this Strategy-Note...The Gandalf Culture
This Strategy-Note article was written by a anonymous person and was published first on "Lord of the Rings Online (".
When Gandalf arrived with Saruman and the other Wizards in Middle Earth, more than two thousand years before the events described in The Lord of the Rings occur, Círdan the Shipwright saw in him a hidden strength. Even though Saruman was the head of their order, Círdan saw that Gandalf was the greatest of the Wizards and entrusted him with Narya, the Red Ring of Fire. When Saruman betrayed Middle Earth to Sauron, Gandalf was indeed shown to be wiser and more powerful. It the end, it would be Gandalf who would lead the final fight against Sauron and aid in the destruction of the One Ring.
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