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LotR cards - faction:

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    UCT-IDNamesort descendingExpansionRarityType
    LotR 13 U 185BloodlinesUncommonOrt
    LotR 11 U 227ShadowsUncommonOrt
    LotR 1 C 356
    [?]Anduin Banksimage (first print)
    The Fellowship of the Ring (first print)CommonOrt
    LotR 11 S 228ShadowsStarterOrt
    LotR 1 U 353
    [?]Anduin Confluenceimage (first print)
    The Fellowship of the Ring (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 15 R 187The HuntersRareOrt
    LotR 1 C 354
    [?]Anduin Wilderlandimage (first print)
    The Fellowship of the Ring (first print)CommonOrt
    LotR 1 U 319
    [?]Bag Endimage (first print)
    The Fellowship of the Ring (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 1 U 343
    [?]Balin's Tombimage (first print)
    The Fellowship of the Ring (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 11 S 229ShadowsStarterOrt
    LotR 4 U 337
    [?]Barrows of Edorasimage (first print)
    The Two Towers (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 10 U 117
    [?]Base of Mindolluinimage (first print)
    Mount Doom (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 7 U 338The Return of the King (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 15 U 188The HuntersUncommonOrt
    LotR 1 U 327
    [?]Bree Gateimage (first print)
    The Fellowship of the Ring (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 1 U 329
    [?]Breeland Forestimage (first print)
    The Fellowship of the Ring (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 1 U 328
    [?]Bree Streetsimage (first print)
    The Fellowship of the Ring (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 1 U 357
    [?]Brown Landsimage (first print)
    The Fellowship of the Ring (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 11 S 230
    [?]Buckland Homesteadimage (first print)
    Shadows (first print)StarterOrt
    LotR 1 U 330
    [?]Buckleberry Ferryimage (first print)
    The Fellowship of the Ring (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 11 S 231ShadowsStarterOrt
    LotR 3 U 115
    [?]Caras Galadhonimage (first print)
    Realms of the Elf-Lords (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 4 U 355
    [?]Cavern Entranceimage (first print)
    The Two Towers (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 11 S 232ShadowsStarterOrt
    LotR 5 U 120
    [?]Caverns of Isengardimage (first print)
    Battle of Helms Deep (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 4 U 352
    [?]Caves of Aglarondimage (first print)
    The Two Towers (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 13 S 186BloodlinesStarterOrt
    LotR 11 S 233ShadowsStarterOrt
    LotR 7 U 344
    [?]City Gatesimage (first print)
    The Return of the King (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 15 U 189The HuntersUncommonOrt
    LotR 13 U 187BloodlinesUncommonOrt
    LotR 8 U 118
    [?]City of the Deadimage (first print)
    Siege of Gondor (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 1 C 337
    [?]Council Courtyardimage (first print)
    The Fellowship of the Ring (first print)CommonOrt
    LotR 13 U 188BloodlinesUncommonOrt
    LotR 11 S 234ShadowsStarterOrt
    LotR 8 U 119
    [?]Crashed Gateimage (first print)
    Siege of Gondor (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 7 U 356
    [?]Cross Roadsimage (first print)
    The Return of the King (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 13 S 189BloodlinesStarterOrt
    LotR 7 U 360
    [?]Dagorladimage (first print)
    The Return of the King (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 11 U 235ShadowsUncommonOrt
    LotR 4 U 348
    [?]Deeping Wallimage (first print)
    The Two Towers (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 4 U 347
    [?]Deep of Helmimage (first print)
    The Two Towers (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 4 U 330
    [?]Derndingleimage (first print)
    The Two Towers (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 1 U 350
    [?]Dimrill Daleimage (first print)
    The Fellowship of the Ring (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 17 U 145Rise of SarumanUncommonOrt
    LotR 13 U 190BloodlinesUncommonOrt
    LotR 18 U 134Treachery & DeceitUncommonOrt
    LotR 7 U 329
    [?]Dunharrow Plateauimage (first print)
    The Return of the King (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 1 U 344
    [?]Dwarrowdelf Chamberimage (first print)
    The Fellowship of the Ring (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 4 U 324
    [?]Eastemnet Downsimage (first print)
    The Two Towers (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 4 U 325
    [?]Eastemnet Gulliesimage (first print)
    The Two Towers (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 4 U 331
    [?]Eastfoldimage (first print)
    The Two Towers (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 11 S 236ShadowsStarterOrt
    LotR 1 U 320
    [?]East Roadimage (first print)
    The Fellowship of the Ring (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 15 U 190The HuntersUncommonOrt
    LotR 4 U 323
    [?]East Wall of Rohanimage (first print)
    The Two Towers (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 7 U 330
    [?]Edoras Hallimage (first print)
    The Return of the King (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 12 S 187Black RiderStarterOrt
    LotR 1 U 360
    [?]Emyn Muilimage (first print)
    The Fellowship of the Ring (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 4 U 343
    [?]Ered Nimraisimage (first print)
    The Two Towers (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 3 U 116
    [?]Eregion Hillsimage (first print)
    Realms of the Elf-Lords (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 11 S 237ShadowsStarterOrt
    LotR 1 C 331
    [?]Ettenmoorsimage (first print)
    The Fellowship of the Ring (first print)CommonOrt
    LotR 11 S 238ShadowsStarterOrt
    LotR 17 U 146Rise of SarumanUncommonOrt
    LotR 4 U 332
    [?]Fangorn Forestimage (first print)
    The Two Towers (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 11 S 239ShadowsStarterOrt
    LotR 1 U 321
    Farmer Maggot's Fieldsimage (first print)
    The Fellowship of the Ring (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 11 S 240ShadowsStarterOrt
    LotR 18 U 135Treachery & DeceitUncommonOrt
    LotR 1 U 338
    [?]Ford of Bruinenimage (first print)
    The Fellowship of the Ring (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 13 S 191BloodlinesStarterOrt
    LotR 4 U 360
    [?]Fortress of Orthancimage (first print)
    The Two Towers (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 11 S 241ShadowsStarterOrt
    LotR 1 U 339
    [?]Frodo's Bedroomimage (first print)
    The Fellowship of the Ring (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 1 C 351
    [?]Galadriel's Gladeimage (first print)
    The Fellowship of the Ring (first print)CommonOrt
    LotR 15 U 191The HuntersUncommonOrt
    LotR 3 C 117
    [?]Gates of Argonathimage (first print)
    Realms of the Elf-Lords (first print)CommonOrt
    LotR 4 U 338
    [?]Golden Hallimage (first print)
    The Two Towers (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 2 U 118
    [?]Great Chasmimage (first print)
    Mines of Moria (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 4 U 353
    [?]Great Hallimage (first print)
    The Two Towers (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 11 S 242ShadowsStarterOrt
    LotR 1 U 322
    [?]Green Dragon Innimage (first print)
    The Fellowship of the Ring (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 1 U 323
    [?]Green Hill Countryimage (first print)
    The Fellowship of the Ring (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 7 U 339
    [?]Hall of the Kingsimage (first print)
    The Return of the King (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 11 S 243ShadowsStarterOrt
    LotR 7 U 361
    [?]Haunted Passimage (first print)
    The Return of the King (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 11 U 244ShadowsUncommonOrt
    LotR 11 S 245ShadowsStarterOrt
    LotR 4 U 349
    [?]Helm's Gateimage (first print)
    The Two Towers (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 12 S 188Black RiderStarterOrt
    LotR 12 S 189Black RiderStarterOrt
    LotR 2 U 115
    [?]Hobbiton Party Fieldimage (first print)
    Mines of Moria (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 2 U 116
    [?]Hobbiton Woodsimage (first print)
    Mines of Moria (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 2 C 119
    [?]Hollinimage (first print)
    Mines of Moria (first print)CommonOrt
    LotR 4 U 354
    [?]Hornburg Armoryimage (first print)
    The Two Towers (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 4 U 356
    [?]Hornburg Causewayimage (first print)
    The Two Towers (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 4 U 350
    [?]Hornburg Courtyardimage (first print)
    The Two Towers (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 6 U 118
    [?]Hornburg Hallimage (first print)
    Ents of Fangorn (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 4 U 351
    [?]Hornburg Parapetimage (first print)
    The Two Towers (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 5 U 118
    [?]Hornburg Wallimage (first print)
    Battle of Helms Deep (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 4 U 326
    [?]Horse-countryimage (first print)
    The Two Towers (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 3 U 119
    [?]House of Elrondimage (first print)
    Realms of the Elf-Lords (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 17 U 147Rise of SarumanUncommonOrt
    LotR 15 U 192The HuntersUncommonOrt
    LotR 7 U 331
    [?]Isengard Ruinedimage (first print)
    The Return of the King (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 13 U 193BloodlinesUncommonOrt
    LotR 4 U 357
    [?]King's Roomimage (first print)
    The Two Towers (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 7 U 335
    [?]King’s Tentimage (first print)
    The Return of the King (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 1 U 352
    [?]Lothlórien Woodsimage (first print)
    The Fellowship of the Ring (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 6 U 117
    [?]Meduseldimage (first print)
    Ents of Fangorn (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 11 U 246ShadowsUncommonOrt
    LotR 1 U 332
    [?]Midgewater Marshesimage (first print)
    The Fellowship of the Ring (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 1 U 333
    [?]Midgewater Moorsimage (first print)
    The Fellowship of the Ring (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 7 U 346The Return of the King (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 7 U 347The Return of the King (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 7 U 348The Return of the King (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 7 U 349The Return of the King (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 7 U 350The Return of the King (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 7 U 351The Return of the King (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 7 U 352The Return of the King (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 18 U 136Treachery & DeceitUncommonOrt
    LotR 1 U 345
    [?]Mithril Mineimage (first print)
    The Fellowship of the Ring (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 18 U 137Treachery & DeceitUncommonOrt
    LotR 7 U 358
    [?]Morgulduinimage (first print)
    The Return of the King (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 7 U 357
    [?]Morgul Valeimage (first print)
    The Return of the King (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 11 S 247ShadowsStarterOrt
    LotR 1 C 346
    [?]Moria Lakeimage (first print)
    The Fellowship of the Ring (first print)CommonOrt
    LotR 1 U 347
    [?]Moria Stairwayimage (first print)
    The Fellowship of the Ring (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 11 S 248ShadowsStarterOrt
    LotR 15 U 193
    [?]Mount Doomimage (first print)
    The Hunters (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 5 U 119
    [?]Nan Curunírimage (first print)
    Battle of Helms Deep (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 7 U 362
    [?]Narchostimage (first print)
    The Return of the King (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 11 S 249
    [?]Neekerbreekers' Bogimage (first print)
    Shadows (first print)StarterOrt
    LotR 7 U 359
    [?]Northern Ithilienimage (first print)
    The Return of the King (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 12 S 190Black RiderStarterOrt
    LotR 11 S 250ShadowsStarterOrt
    LotR 17 U 148Rise of SarumanUncommonOrt
    LotR 11 S 251ShadowsStarterOrt
    LotR 4 U 361
    [?]Orthanc Balconyimage (first print)
    The Two Towers (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 4 U 362
    [?]Orthanc Libraryimage (first print)
    The Two Towers (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 8 U 120
    [?]Osgiliath Channelimage (first print)
    Siege of Gondor (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 7 U 353
    [?]Osgiliath Crossingimage (first print)
    The Return of the King (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 7 U 342
    [?]Osgiliath Fallenimage (first print)
    The Return of the King (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 11 S 252ShadowsStarterOrt
    LotR 4 U 363
    [?]Palantír Chamberimage (first print)
    The Two Towers (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 1 U 348
    [?]Pass of Caradhrasimage (first print)
    The Fellowship of the Ring (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 11 S 253ShadowsStarterOrt
    LotR 11 S 254ShadowsStarterOrt
    LotR 7 U 345
    [?]Pelennor Flatimage (first print)
    The Return of the King (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 7 U 354
    [?]Pelennor Grasslandimage (first print)
    The Return of the King (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 7 U 343
    [?]Pelennor Plainimage (first print)
    The Return of the King (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 10 U 118
    [?]Pelennor Prairieimage (first print)
    Mount Doom (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 1 U 358
    [?]Pillars of the Kingsimage (first print)
    The Fellowship of the Ring (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 11 S 255ShadowsStarterOrt
    LotR 4 U 327
    [?]Plains of Rohanimage (first print)
    The Two Towers (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 4 U 333
    [?]Plains of Rohan Campimage (first print)
    The Two Towers (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 13 U 194BloodlinesUncommonOrt
    LotR 4 U 358
    [?]Ring of Isengardimage (first print)
    The Two Towers (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 1 U 340
    [?]Rivendell Terraceimage (first print)
    The Fellowship of the Ring (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 1 U 341
    [?]Rivendell Valleyimage (first print)
    The Fellowship of the Ring (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 1 U 342
    [?]Rivendell Waterfallimage (first print)
    The Fellowship of the Ring (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 6 U 115
    [?]Rocks of Emyn Muilimage (first print)
    Ents of Fangorn (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 11 S 257ShadowsStarterOrt
    LotR 7 U 336
    [?]Rohirrim Campimage (first print)
    The Return of the King (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 7 U 332
    [?]Rohirrim Roadimage (first print)
    The Return of the King (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 4 U 334
    [?]Rohirrim Villageimage (first print)
    The Two Towers (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 7 U 355
    [?]Ruined Capitolimage (first print)
    The Return of the King (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 6 U 120
    [?]Saruman's Laboratoryimage (first print)
    Ents of Fangorn (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 1 U 325
    [?]Shire Lookout Pointimage (first print)
    The Fellowship of the Ring (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 12 U 191Black RiderUncommonOrt
    LotR 1 U 359The Fellowship of the Ring (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 1 U 355
    [?]Silverlode Banksimage (first print)
    The Fellowship of the Ring (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 18 U 138Treachery & DeceitUncommonOrt
    LotR 11 S 258ShadowsStarterOrt
    LotR 7 U 363
    [?]Slag Moundsimage (first print)
    The Return of the King (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 7 U 333
    [?]Sleeping Quartersimage (first print)
    The Return of the King (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 1 U 361
    [?]Slopes of Amon Henimage (first print)
    The Fellowship of the Ring (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 12 U 192Black RiderUncommonOrt
    LotR 4 U 339
    [?]Stablesimage (first print)
    The Two Towers (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 11 S 259ShadowsStarterOrt
    LotR 12 U 193Black RiderUncommonOrt
    LotR 7 U 334
    [?]Steps of Edorasimage (first print)
    The Return of the King (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 18 U 139Treachery & DeceitUncommonOrt
    LotR 10 U 119
    [?]Steward's Tombimage (first print)
    Mount Doom (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 18 U 140Treachery & DeceitUncommonOrt
    LotR 4 U 340
    [?]Streets of Edorasimage (first print)
    The Two Towers (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 1 C 362
    [?]Summit of Amon Henimage (first print)
    The Fellowship of the Ring (first print)CommonOrt
    LotR 12 U 185Black RiderUncommonOrt
    LotR 12 U 186Black RiderUncommonOrt
    LotR 1 C 349The Fellowship of the Ring (first print)CommonOrt
    LotR 8 U 117
    [?]The Dimholtimage (first print)
    Siege of Gondor (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 13 S 192BloodlinesStarterOrt
    LotR 3 C 118
    [?]The Great Riverimage (first print)
    Realms of the Elf-Lords (first print)CommonOrt
    LotR 11 S 256ShadowsStarterOrt
    LotR 1 U 324
    [?]The Prancing Ponyimage (first print)
    The Fellowship of the Ring (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 4 U 328
    [?]The Riddermarkimage (first print)
    The Two Towers (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 4 U 341
    [?]Throne Roomimage (first print)
    The Two Towers (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 1 U 363
    [?]Tol Brandirimage (first print)
    The Fellowship of the Ring (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 7 U 340
    [?]Tower of Ecthelionimage (first print)
    The Return of the King (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 2 C 117
    [?]Town Centerimage (first print)
    Mines of Moria (first print)CommonOrt
    LotR 1 U 334
    [?]Trollshaw Forestimage (first print)
    The Fellowship of the Ring (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 11 S 260ShadowsStarterOrt
    LotR 4 U 335
    [?]Uruk Campimage (first print)
    The Two Towers (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 6 U 119
    [?]Valley of Sarumanimage (first print)
    Ents of Fangorn (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 2 U 120Mines of Moria (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 11 S 261ShadowsStarterOrt
    LotR 3 U 120
    [?]Wastes of Emyn Muilimage (first print)
    Realms of the Elf-Lords (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 10 U 120Mount Doom (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 11 S 262ShadowsStarterOrt
    LotR 1 U 335
    [?]Weatherhillsimage (first print)
    The Fellowship of the Ring (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 1 U 336
    [?]Weathertopimage (first print)
    The Fellowship of the Ring (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 4 U 344
    [?]Westemnet Hillsimage (first print)
    The Two Towers (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 4 U 342
    [?]Westemnet Plainsimage (first print)
    The Two Towers (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 11 S 264ShadowsStarterOrt
    LotR 4 U 329
    [?]Western Emyn Muilimage (first print)
    The Two Towers (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 1 C 326
    [?]Westfarthingimage (first print)
    The Fellowship of the Ring (first print)CommonOrt
    LotR 6 U 116
    [?]Westfoldimage (first print)
    Ents of Fangorn (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 15 R 194The HuntersRareOrt
    LotR 11 S 263ShadowsStarterOrt
    LotR 7 U 337
    [?]West Roadimage (first print)
    The Return of the King (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 4 U 345
    [?]White Mountainsimage (first print)
    The Two Towers (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 4 U 346
    [?]White Rocksimage (first print)
    The Two Towers (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 11 S 265ShadowsStarterOrt
    LotR 4 U 359
    [?]Wizard's Valeimage (first print)
    The Two Towers (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 12 U 194Black RiderUncommonOrt
    LotR 4 U 336
    [?]Wold of Rohanimage (first print)
    The Two Towers (first print)UncommonOrt
    LotR 11 S 266ShadowsStarterOrt