(2) • Gollum, Threatening Guide | openCards

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Gollum icon (2) • Gollum, Threatening Guide

    Gollum, Threatening Guide


    Unique / Universal: Unique
    Twilight-Cost: 2
    Side: Shadow
    Race: unknown
    Strength: 5
    Vitality: 4
    Native-Side: 3
    Game text:
    Gollum is strength +1 for each threat you can spot.
    Each time Gollum wins a skirmish, you may add a threat.
    " 'But if we was master, then we could help ourselfs, yes...' "

    Card logging info: Last lgged by KaiserK at Nov 7th, 2009 (Q1 by Telak at Nov 7th, 2009 & Q2 by EzriForever at Jan 17th, 2010)

    LotR libraryCollector's Info

    Promotion card from Age's End (Copyright 2007)
    UCT-ID : LotR 19 P 10 (manufactor info on card: 19 P 10)
    Print-Style : color (standard) / black border / foil
    No "reprints" for this card (no cards published with same title & sub-title published or in a different language in other expansions).
    List of "personas" (same card title) for Gollum:
    - Gollum, Nasty Treacherous Creature (LotR 5 C 24) - Battle of Helms Deep
    - Gollum, Stinker (LotR 5 R 25) - Battle of Helms Deep
    - Gollum, Old Villain (LotR 6 C 40) - Ents of Fangorn
    - Gollum, Plotting Deceiver (LotR 7 R 58) - The Return of the King
    - Gollum, Vile Creature (LotR 7 C 59) - The Return of the King
    - Gollum, Dark as Darkness (LotR 9 R+ 28) - Reflections
    - Gollum, Mad Thing (LotR 10 R 21) - Mount Doom
    - Gollum, Skulker (LotR 11 R 42) - Shadows
    - Gollum, Her Sneak (LotR 13 U 50) - Bloodlines
    - Gollum, Hopeless (LotR 15 R 43) - The Hunters
    - Gollum, Worker of Mischief (LotR 0 W 5) - Triumph and Menace Series

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    openCards tradeplaceTradeplace references

    There are 4 entries for Gollum, Threatening Guide (LotR 19 P 10) at the Tradeplace (3 haves and 2 wants). Click here to see all trade list entries for this Promotion card!
    Also see here for all trade lists with any card fom "Age's End".