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Promotion Foil card from The Two Towers Anthology (Copyright 2004)
UCT-ID : LotR 6 TR 88 (manufactor info on card: 6 R 88)
Print-Style : color (standard) / black border / foil
List of "reprints" for Úlairë Toldëa, Winged Sentry:
- 6 R 88 from Ents of Fangorn (first print)
- 6 RF 88 from Ents of Fangorn
List of "personas" (same card title) for Úlairë Toldëa:
- Úlairë Toldëa, Messenger of Morgul (LotR 1 R 236) - The Fellowship of the Ring
- Úlairë Toldëa, Winged Sentry (LotR 6 R 88) - Ents of Fangorn
- Úlairë Toldëa, Wraith on Wings (LotR 7 R 219) - The Return of the King
- Úlairë Toldëa, Thrall of The One (LotR 10 R 71) - Mount Doom
- Úlairë Toldëa, Eighth of the Nine Riders (LotR 11 S 225) - Shadows
- Úlairë Toldëa, Black Shadow (LotR 12 U 180) - Black Rider
- Úlairë Toldëa, Dark Shadow (LotR 19 P 39) - Age's End
Also see here for all trade lists with any card fom "The Two Towers Anthology".