"Mithrandir1978's" tradelist overview for "Blaze of Glory" | openCards

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"Mithrandir1978's" tradelist overview for "Blaze of Glory"

    You see the tradelist for "Blaze of Glory" form openCards member "Mithrandir1978" here. Hint: You will see only those card here, where "Mithrandir1978" has already editied "Haves" and/or "Wants" in his or her collection. So, if you miss a card form this expansion or special set here, it's because "Mithrandir1978" has no corresponding trade cards edited in his or her collection on openCards. Please keep also in mind: a user may mark a card multiple times for "Haves" or/and "Wants" - this could be a explanation for high numbers of "Haves" and/or "Wants" for a single card.

    "Mithrandir1978's" tradelist for "Blaze of Glory":

    InfoNameRarityType# Haves# Wants
    ST1E 7 U 4DrumheadUncommonDilemma10
    ST1E 7 U 5Ferengi IngenuityUncommonDilemma60
    ST1E 7 U 8New EssentialistsUncommonDilemma10
    ST1E 7 U 9Stellar FlareUncommonDilemma30
    ST1E 7 U 10Under FireUncommonDilemma30
    ST1E 7 U 16Klingon Disruptor RifleUncommonEquipment30
    ST1E 7 U 17Mek'lethUncommonEquipment10
    ST1E 7 U 18Romulan Disruptor RifleUncommonEquipment60
    ST1E 7 U 20Defense System UpgradeUncommonEvent60
    ST1E 7 U 25The Big PictureUncommonEvent100
    ST1E 7 U 27Access DeniedUncommonIncident30
    ST1E 7 U 29CapturedUncommonIncident90
    ST1E 7 U 32Prisoner ExchangeUncommonIncident50
    ST1E 7 U 33Scanner InterferenceUncommonIncident20
    ST1E 7 U 34SniperUncommonIncident40
    ST1E 7 U 35UltimatumUncommonIncident10
    ST1E 7 U 36Attack Pattern DeltaUncommonInterrupt40
    ST1E 7 U 37CounterintelligenceUncommonInterrupt40
    ST1E 7 U 43The Wake of the BorgUncommonInterrupt30
    ST1E 7 U 48Commandeer ShipUncommonObjective20
    ST1E 7 U 49Examine SingularityUncommonObjective30
    ST1E 7 U 51Prepare the PrisonerUncommonObjective40
    ST1E 7 U 52Bajoran icon FurelUncommonPersonnel30
    ST1E 7 U 53Bajoran icon LupazaUncommonPersonnel10
    ST1E 7 U 57Cardassian icon DolakUncommonPersonnel30
    ST1E 7 U 67Dominion icon Umat'AdanUncommonPersonnel50
    ST1E 7 R 72Federation icon Miles O'BrienRarePersonnel01
    ST1E 7 U 74Klingon icon Hon'TihlUncommonPersonnel30
    ST1E 7 U 80Klingon icon N'GarenUncommonPersonnel40
    ST1E 7 U 89Romulan icon Dr. KoramarUncommonPersonnel10
    ST1E 7 U 97Romulan icon TamarithUncommonPersonnel40
    ST1E 7 U 98Romulan icon TharketUncommonPersonnel50
    ST1E 7 U 102Dominion icon Alpha Attack ShipUncommonShip10
    ST1E 7 R 103Federation icon U.S.S. ThunderchildRareShip01
    ST1E 7 U 109Security Holding CellUncommonSite40
    ST1E 7 U 112Crimson ForcefieldUncommonTactic10
    ST1E 7 P 131Sword of KahlessSuper Rare FoilArtifact01
    ST1E 7 P 134Bajoran icon Riker WilUltra Rare FoilPersonnel01
    ST1E 7 P 135Cardassian icon ElimUltra Rare FoilPersonnel01
    ST1E 7 P 136Dominion icon Odo FounderSuper Rare FoilPersonnel01
    ST1E 7 P 138Klingon icon KangVery Rare FoilPersonnel01
    ST1E 7 P 140Klingon icon KorSuper Rare FoilPersonnel01
    ST1E 7 P 141Romulan icon La Forge ImpersonatorSuper Rare FoilPersonnel01
    ST1E 7 P 142Borg icon Locutus' Borg CubeUltra Rare FoilShip01
    ST1E 7 P 144Federation icon U.S.S. ThunderchildSuper Rare FoilShip01
    ST1E 7 P 148Maximum FirepowerSuper Rare FoilTactic01

    Within this selection you can generate PDF files about the Tradelists ("Haves" and "Wants") of openCards user "Mithrandir1978". Simply click on one of the following links and the automatically generated PDF list will open (only condition: you must have an PDF reader on you local computer).

    Mithrandir1978's Tradelist: haves & wants
    Mithrandir1978's: haves only
    Mithrandir1978's: wants only
    Mithrandir1978's: Star Trek First Edition haves & wants
    Mithrandir1978's: Star Trek First Edition haves only
    Mithrandir1978's: Star Trek First Edition wants only
    Mithrandir1978's: Blaze of Glory haves & wants
    Mithrandir1978's: Blaze of Glory haves only
    Mithrandir1978's: Blaze of Glory wants only