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Tradeplace - LotR statistics


    GameHavesWantsUserslast update
    LotR14.7493.208249 months 3 weeks
    Click on the number behind icon of a expansion to see the statistics for that individual expansion. OR click on the icon of a expansion to switch into the tradelist area for all availible tradelsts of that expansion. Hint: A user may mark a card multiple times for haves and/or wants.

    Top 10 Sets by Haves:

    GameCardssort ascendingUserslast update
    The Fellowship of the Ring3.650115 years 10 months
    Mines of Moria1.466129 months 3 weeks
    The Two Towers1.38795 years 7 months
    The Return of the King1.30275 years 9 months
    Realms of the Elf-Lords1.29499 months 3 weeks
    Shadows1.12495 years 7 months
    Bloodlines1.00979 years 7 months
    Black Rider77275 years 7 months
    Mount Doom49995 years 7 months
    Ents of Fangorn410105 years 7 months
    Hint: A user may mark a card multiple times for haves.

    Top 10 Sets by Wants:

    GameCardssort ascendingUserslast update
    The Fellowship of the Ring48365 years 10 months
    Treachery & Deceit40479 years 7 months
    Rise of Saruman34779 years 7 months
    Shadows31955 years 7 months
    The Hunters28969 years 7 months
    The Return of the King24465 years 9 months
    Mines of Moria19339 months 3 weeks
    Promotion Cards15559 months 3 weeks
    Realms of the Elf-Lords13149 months 3 weeks
    Black Rider11355 years 7 months
    Hint: A user may mark a card multiple times for wants.

    Top 100 Cards as Haves:

    GameCardssort ascendingUserslast update
    1. Promotion CardsFrodo, Resolute Hobbit
    LotR 0 P 27
    15859 years 3 months
    2. The Fellowship of the RingBoromir, Son of Denethor
    LotR 1 U 97
    5129 years 3 months
    3. Mines of MoriaGoblin Pursuer
    LotR 2 C 62
    4639 years 3 months
    4. The Fellowship of the RingDwarf Guard
    LotR 1 C 7
    4629 years 3 months
    5. The Fellowship of the RingGoblin Scavengers
    LotR 1 C 179
    4629 years 3 months
    6. Mines of MoriaGoblin Flankers
    LotR 2 C 61
    4629 years 3 months
    7. Mines of MoriaOrc Scout
    LotR 2 C 89
    4539 years 3 months
    8. The Fellowship of the RingHobbit Sword
    LotR 1 C 299
    4029 years 3 months
    9. The Fellowship of the RingOrc Chieftain
    LotR 1 C 266
    3929 years 3 months
    10. Mines of MoriaHand Axe
    LotR 2 C 10
    3739 years 3 months
    11. Mines of MoriaFlurry of Blows
    LotR 2 C 5
    3739 years 3 months
    12. The Fellowship of the RingThe One Ring, The Ruling Ring
    LotR 1 C 2
    3729 years 3 months
    13. The Fellowship of the RingMerry, From O'er the Brandywine
    LotR 1 C 303
    3729 years 3 months
    14. The Fellowship of the RingDwarven Axe
    LotR 1 C 9
    3729 years 3 months
    15. Mines of MoriaVile Blade
    LotR 2 C 95
    3629 years 3 months
    16. The Two TowersDunlending Madman
    LotR 4 C 12
    3629 years 3 months
    17. The Two TowersThe One Ring, The Ruling Ring
    LotR 4 C 2
    3629 years 3 months
    18. The Fellowship of the RingThe Bridge of Khazad-dûm
    LotR 1 C 349
    3529 years 3 months
    19. The Fellowship of the RingOrc Ambusher
    LotR 1 C 261
    3529 years 3 months
    20. Mines of MoriaGimli, Dwarf of the Mountain-race
    LotR 2 P 121
    3539 years 3 months
    21. The Fellowship of the RingLegolas, Prince of Mirkwood
    LotR 1 U 51
    3529 years 3 months
    22. The Two TowersDunlending Robber
    LotR 4 C 16
    3529 years 3 months
    23. The Two TowersDunlending Brigand
    LotR 4 C 10
    3429 years 3 months
    24. The Two TowersBand of Wild Men
    LotR 4 C 4
    3429 years 3 months
    25. The Fellowship of the RingIntimidate
    LotR 1 C 76
    3329 years 3 months
    26. The Two TowersIron Axe
    LotR 4 C 26
    3329 years 3 months
    27. Mines of MoriaGoblin Reinforcements
    LotR 2 C 63
    3349 years 3 months
    28. Mines of MoriaSam, Proper Poet
    LotR 2 C 114
    3349 years 3 months
    29. The Fellowship of the RingOrc Assassin
    LotR 1 U 262
    3329 years 3 months
    30. The Two TowersDunlending Savage
    LotR 4 C 17
    3229 years 3 months
    31. The Fellowship of the RingSwordarm of the White Tower
    LotR 1 C 116
    3229 years 3 months
    32. Mines of MoriaMerry, Horticulturalist
    LotR 2 C 104
    3249 years 3 months
    33. Realms of the Elf-LordsVoice of Nimrodel
    LotR 3 C 28
    3139 years 3 months
    34. Mines of MoriaGoblin Spearman
    LotR 2 C 65
    3129 years 3 months
    35. The Fellowship of the RingFarin, Dwarven Emissary
    LotR 1 C 11
    3129 years 3 months
    36. The Fellowship of the RingGoblin Runner
    LotR 1 U 178
    3029 years 3 months
    37. The Fellowship of the RingUnder the Watching Eye
    LotR 1 C 281
    3029 years 3 months
    38. The Fellowship of the RingDrums in the Deep
    LotR 1 C 168
    3029 years 3 months
    39. The Two TowersDunlending Pillager
    LotR 4 U 13
    3039 years 3 months
    40. The Fellowship of the RingAxe Strike
    LotR 1 C 3
    2929 years 3 months
    41. The Fellowship of the RingHobbit Stealth
    LotR 1 C 298
    2929 years 3 months
    42. The Fellowship of the RingOrc Soldier
    LotR 1 C 271
    2829 years 3 months
    43. Mines of MoriaFrodo, Reluctant Adventurer
    LotR 2 C 102
    2829 years 3 months
    44. The Fellowship of the RingMysterious Wizard
    LotR 1 C 78
    2829 years 3 months
    45. Mines of MoriaOld Differences
    LotR 2 C 69
    2739 years 3 months
    46. The Fellowship of the RingHobbit Intuition
    LotR 1 C 296
    2729 years 3 months
    47. Realms of the Elf-LordsIsengard Worker
    LotR 3 C 62
    2739 years 3 months
    48. The Two TowersDark Fury
    LotR 4 C 7
    2729 years 3 months
    49. The Fellowship of the RingOrc Scouting Band
    LotR 1 U 270
    2729 years 3 months
    50. Mines of MoriaWizard Staff
    LotR 2 C 29
    2629 years 3 months
    51. The Fellowship of the RingUruk-hai Raiding Party
    LotR 1 C 158
    2629 years 3 months
    52. Realms of the Elf-LordsIsengard Shaman
    LotR 3 C 59
    2629 years 3 months
    53. BloodlinesOrc Line-breaker
    LotR 13 C 113
    26212 years 1 month
    54. Realms of the Elf-LordsUruk Raider
    LotR 3 C 74
    2629 years 3 months
    55. Mines of MoriaGoblin Bowman
    LotR 2 C 60
    2639 years 3 months
    56. The Fellowship of the RingAnduin Banks
    LotR 1 C 356
    2629 years 3 months
    57. The Fellowship of the RingUruk Shaman
    LotR 1 C 152
    2629 years 3 months
    58. Mines of MoriaPippin, Mr. Took
    LotR 2 C 110
    2539 years 3 months
    59. The Fellowship of the RingStill Draws Breath
    LotR 1 C 25
    2529 years 3 months
    60. The Fellowship of the RingOrc Hunters
    LotR 1 U 267
    2529 years 3 months
    61. The Fellowship of the RingStrength of Spirit
    LotR 1 C 85
    2529 years 3 months
    62. The Fellowship of the RingÚlairë Enquëa, Lieutenant of Morgul
    LotR 1 U 231
    2529 years 3 months
    63. Realms of the Elf-LordsFrying Pan
    LotR 3 C 108
    2539 years 3 months
    64. The Fellowship of the RingGoblin Spear
    LotR 1 C 182
    2429 years 3 months
    65. The Fellowship of the RingEttenmoors
    LotR 1 C 331
    2429 years 3 months
    66. Realms of the Elf-LordsOrc Warrior
    LotR 3 C 101
    2429 years 3 months
    67. Mines of MoriaSentinels of Númenor
    LotR 2 C 37
    2459 years 3 months
    68. The Fellowship of the RingMordor's Strength
    LotR 1 C 255
    2429 years 3 months
    69. Realms of the Elf-LordsThe Dark Lord Advances
    LotR 3 C 87
    2429 years 3 months
    70. The Fellowship of the RingCleaving Blow
    LotR 1 C 5
    2429 years 3 months
    71. The Fellowship of the RingGoblin Marksman
    LotR 1 C 176
    2329 years 3 months
    72. Realms of the Elf-LordsSaruman, Servant of the Eye
    LotR 3 C 69
    2329 years 3 months
    73. The Fellowship of the RingGoblin Wallcrawler
    LotR 1 C 184
    2329 years 3 months
    74. Realms of the Elf-LordsThree Monstrous Trolls
    LotR 3 C 114
    2339 years 3 months
    75. Mines of MoriaFrór, Gimli's Kinsman
    LotR 2 C 6
    2349 years 3 months
    76. The Two TowersBest Company
    LotR 4 C 42
    2329 years 3 months
    77. Realms of the Elf-LordsCast It Into the Fire!
    LotR 3 C 11
    2339 years 3 months
    78. The Fellowship of the RingUruk Savage
    LotR 1 C 151
    2329 years 3 months
    79. The Fellowship of the RingDefiance
    LotR 1 C 37
    2329 years 3 months
    80. The Fellowship of the RingStairs of Khazad-dûm
    LotR 1 C 24
    2229 years 3 months
    81. The Fellowship of the RingÚlairë Nertëa, Messenger of Dol Guldur
    LotR 1 U 234
    2239 years 3 months
    82. The Fellowship of the RingThere and Back Again
    LotR 1 C 317
    2229 years 3 months
    83. Realms of the Elf-LordsFireworks
    LotR 3 C 32
    2229 years 3 months
    84. Realms of the Elf-LordsIsengard Forger
    LotR 3 C 56
    2229 years 3 months
    85. Realms of the Elf-LordsServants to Saruman
    LotR 3 C 70
    2229 years 3 months
    86. The Fellowship of the RingHere Lies Balin, Son of Fundin
    LotR 1 C 19
    2229 years 3 months
    87. The Fellowship of the RingHost of Thousands
    LotR 1 C 187
    2229 years 3 months
    88. The Fellowship of the RingOrc Inquisitor
    LotR 1 C 268
    2229 years 3 months
    89. The Fellowship of the RingAnduin Wilderland
    LotR 1 C 354
    2229 years 3 months
    90. The Two TowersDeath to the Strawheads
    LotR 4 U 8
    2239 years 3 months
    91. The Fellowship of the RingWestfarthing
    LotR 1 C 326
    2229 years 3 months
    92. Realms of the Elf-LordsOrc Swordsman
    LotR 3 C 98
    2229 years 3 months
    93. Realms of the Elf-LordsIsengard Retainer
    LotR 3 U 57
    2139 years 3 months
    94. Realms of the Elf-LordsWe Must Go Warily
    LotR 3 C 48
    2129 years 3 months
    95. The Fellowship of the RingDwarven Armor
    LotR 1 C 8
    2129 years 3 months
    96. The Fellowship of the RingSam, Son of Hamfast
    LotR 1 C 311
    2129 years 3 months
    97. Realms of the Elf-LordsHis First Serious Check
    LotR 3 C 33
    2129 years 3 months
    98. The Fellowship of the RingTheir Halls of Stone
    LotR 1 C 26
    2129 years 3 months
    99. The Fellowship of the RingSummit of Amon Hen
    LotR 1 C 362
    2129 years 3 months
    100. The Fellowship of the RingBounder
    LotR 1 C 286
    2129 years 3 months
    Hint: A user may mark a card multiple times for haves.

    Top 100 Cards as Wants:

    GameCardssort ascendingUserslast update
    1. Rise of SarumanOrkish Warg-master
    LotR 17 R 87
    749 years 7 months
    2. Rise of SarumanRelentless Warg
    LotR 17 R 89
    749 years 7 months
    3. The Fellowship of the RingAragorn, Ranger of the North
    LotR 1 R 89
    6312 years 2 months
    4. The Fellowship of the RingDark Whispers
    LotR 1 R 210
    6312 years 10 months
    5. Rise of SarumanRider's Gear
    LotR 17 U 90
    5212 years 4 months
    6. The Fellowship of the RingMorgul Blade
    LotR 1 R 216
    5312 years 10 months
    7. Rise of SarumanThreatening Warg
    LotR 17 U 91
    5212 years 4 months
    8. Rise of SarumanSaruman, Servant of Sauron
    LotR 17 R 38
    549 years 7 months
    9. The Fellowship of the RingThe Twilight World
    LotR 1 R 228
    5213 years 10 months
    10. Rise of SarumanVicious Warg
    LotR 17 C 92
    5212 years 4 months
    11. Mines of MoriaIt Wants to be Found
    LotR 2 U 78
    5312 years 1 month
    12. Rise of SarumanOrkish Runner
    LotR 17 C 83
    5215 years 1 week
    13. Treachery & DeceitLurtz's Bow, Black-Fletch Bow
    LotR 18 R 119
    549 years 7 months
    14. The Fellowship of the RingDouble Shot
    LotR 1 R 38
    5213 years 10 months
    15. The Return of the KingRaider Bow
    LotR 7 C 155
    5212 years 5 months
    16. Treachery & DeceitArwen's Dagger
    LotR 18 R 5
    559 years 7 months
    17. Treachery & DeceitScouring of the Shire
    LotR 18 R 112
    549 years 7 months
    18. The Fellowship of the RingThe Last Alliance of Elves and Men
    LotR 1 R 49
    5312 years 2 months
    19. The Fellowship of the RingBlade Tip
    LotR 1 U 209
    5213 years 10 months
    20. The Fellowship of the RingAll Veils Removed
    LotR 1 R 204
    5213 years 10 months
    21. The Fellowship of the RingÚlairë Toldëa, Messenger of Morgul
    LotR 1 R 236
    5312 years 10 months
    22. The Return of the KingMerry, Swordthain
    LotR 7 R 321
    445 years 9 months
    23. Rise of SarumanRing of Savagery
    LotR 17 O 8
    449 years 7 months
    24. The Two TowersSimbelmynë
    LotR 4 R 289
    4112 years 2 months
    25. Rise of SarumanOrkish Cavalry
    LotR 17 R 74
    439 years 7 months
    26. Rise of SarumanThrone of Minas Tirith
    LotR 17 O 3
    449 years 7 months
    27. Treachery & DeceitFaramir, Captain of Ithilien
    LotR 18 R 48
    449 years 7 months
    28. The Return of the KingÉowyn’s Sword, Dernhelm’s Blade
    LotR 7 R 230
    445 years 9 months
    29. Treachery & DeceitCelebring, Elven-smith
    LotR 18 R 7
    449 years 7 months
    30. Rise of SarumanRing of Terror
    LotR 17 O 9
    449 years 7 months
    31. The HuntersThe One Ring, The Ring of Doom
    LotR 15 R 1
    4412 years 4 months
    32. Battle of Helms DeepArrow-slits
    LotR 5 U 80
    4212 years 1 month
    33. Siege of GondorSpectral Sword
    LotR 8 U 46
    4112 years 5 months
    34. Rise of SarumanAragorn, Defender of Rohan
    LotR 17 O 4
    449 years 7 months
    35. Treachery & DeceitBeorning Axe
    LotR 18 R 18
    449 years 7 months
    36. The Return of the KingSuzerain of Harad
    LotR 7 R 170
    445 years 9 months
    37. Treachery & DeceitGaladriel's Silver Ewer
    LotR 18 R 11
    449 years 7 months
    38. Treachery & DeceitGothmog, Morgul Leader
    LotR 18 R 80
    449 years 7 months
    39. Siege of GondorSwept Away
    LotR 8 C 48
    4112 years 2 weeks
    40. Rise of SarumanThrone of the Golden Hall
    LotR 17 O 5
    449 years 7 months
    41. The Return of the KingAndúril, Flame of the West
    LotR 7 R 79
    445 years 9 months
    42. The Return of the KingGondor Bow
    LotR 7 U 94
    4212 years 2 months
    43. Realms of the Elf-LordsElrond, Herald to Gil-galad
    LotR 3 R 13
    4212 years 1 month
    44. Rise of SarumanFaramir's Bow, Ithilien Longbow
    LotR 17 R 29
    449 years 7 months
    45. Treachery & DeceitGil-galad, High King of the Noldor
    LotR 18 R 12
    449 years 7 months
    46. Treachery & DeceitGothmog's Warg, Leader's Mount
    LotR 18 R 81
    449 years 7 months
    47. Treachery & DeceitArwen's Bow
    LotR 18 R 4
    449 years 7 months
    48. The Fellowship of the RingBlack Steed
    LotR 1 R 208
    4312 years 10 months
    49. The HuntersAragorn's Bow, Ranger's Longbow
    LotR 15 R 56
    449 years 7 months
    50. Rise of SarumanThéoden, Northman, King of Rohan
    LotR 17 O 6
    449 years 7 months
    51. Treachery & DeceitRadagast's Herb Bag
    LotR 18 R 26
    449 years 7 months
    52. The Return of the KingAndúril, King’s Blade
    LotR 7 R 80
    445 years 9 months
    53. Siege of GondorGarrison of Gondor
    LotR 8 R 36
    449 years 7 months
    54. Rise of SarumanShadowfax, Greatest of the Mearas
    LotR 17 O 1
    449 years 7 months
    55. Treachery & DeceitGlorfindel, Eldarin Lord
    LotR 18 R 13
    449 years 7 months
    56. Promotion CardsAragorn, Ranger of the North
    LotR 0 P 14
    4112 years 1 month
    57. Ents of FangornBanner of Westernesse
    LotR 6 U 51
    4112 years 2 months
    58. Rise of SarumanThorin III, Stonehelm
    LotR 17 R 6
    449 years 7 months
    59. Rise of SarumanOrkish Scout
    LotR 17 R 84
    449 years 7 months
    60. Rise of SarumanÚlairë Otsëa, Duplicitous Specter
    LotR 17 O 7
    449 years 7 months
    61. The Fellowship of the RingAragorn, Ranger of the North
    LotR 1 RF 89
    4112 years 2 months
    62. Rise of SarumanGwaihir, The Windlord
    LotR 17 O 2
    449 years 7 months
    63. Treachery & DeceitElendil's Army
    LotR 18 R 47
    449 years 7 months
    64. Promotion CardsArwen, Maiden of Rivendell
    LotR 0 P 63
    449 years 7 months
    65. Treachery & DeceitAragorn, Heir to the Throne of Gondor
    LotR 18 R 38
    449 years 7 months
    66. ShadowsGoblin Hordes
    LotR 11 R 123
    335 years 7 months
    67. Realms of the Elf-LordsÚlairë Otsëa, Ringwraith in Twilight
    LotR 3 U 86
    3213 years 10 months
    68. Treachery & DeceitDeceit
    LotR 18 R 29
    339 years 7 months
    69. Treachery & DeceitRanger of the North
    LotR 18 R 55
    339 years 7 months
    70. Treachery & DeceitGamling's Horn
    LotR 18 R 100
    339 years 7 months
    71. Treachery & DeceitCrown of Gondor
    LotR 18 O 3
    339 years 7 months
    72. Rise of SarumanAragorn, Defender of Rohan
    LotR 17 RF 12
    3312 years 1 month
    73. The Fellowship of the RingGoblin Armory
    LotR 1 R 173
    335 years 10 months
    74. ReflectionsSlippery as Fishes
    LotR 9 R+ 29
    3310 years 11 months
    75. Black RiderThe Witch-king, Black Lord
    LotR 12 O 9
    335 years 7 months
    76. The HuntersIsengard Marauder
    LotR 15 R 110
    339 years 7 months
    77. Treachery & DeceitLembas Bread
    LotR 18 R 15
    339 years 7 months
    78. Treachery & DeceitEomer's Bow
    LotR 18 R 95
    339 years 7 months
    79. Treachery & DeceitWhite Hand Marchers
    LotR 18 R 126
    339 years 7 months
    80. Promotion CardsGandalf, Stormcrow
    LotR 0 P 64
    339 years 7 months
    81. Rise of SarumanNarsil, Forged by Telchar
    LotR 17 RF 7
    3312 years 1 month
    82. The Fellowship of the RingElrond, Lord of Rivendell
    LotR 1 R 40
    3312 years 10 months
    83. The Fellowship of the RingThe Underdeeps of Moria
    LotR 1 R 200
    335 years 10 months
    84. The Fellowship of the RingÚlairë Lemenya, Lieutenant of Morgul
    LotR 1 U 232
    3213 years 10 months
    85. ReflectionsGil-galad, Elven High King
    LotR 9 R+ 15
    3310 years 11 months
    86. The Return of the KingMerry’s Sword
    LotR 7 R 242
    3212 years 2 months
    87. Rise of SarumanAnduril, Sword That Was Broken
    LotR 17 R 27
    339 years 7 months
    88. Rise of SarumanRing of Savagery
    LotR 17 R 142
    339 years 7 months
    89. Treachery & DeceitBoromir, Proud and Noble Man
    LotR 18 R 40
    339 years 7 months
    90. Treachery & DeceitTreachery
    LotR 18 R 76
    339 years 7 months
    91. Treachery & DeceitCleaved
    LotR 18 R 114
    339 years 7 months
    92. Treachery & DeceitPull of the Ring
    LotR 18 O 9
    339 years 7 months
    93. Promotion CardsAnárion, Lord of Anorien
    LotR 0 P 58
    329 years 7 months
    94. Rise of SarumanGlamdring, Orc Beater
    LotR 17 RF 2
    3312 years 1 month
    95. Rise of SarumanRing of Terror
    LotR 17 RF 18
    3312 years 1 month
    96. The Fellowship of the RingPippin, Hobbit of Some Intelligence
    LotR 1 R 307
    335 years 10 months
    97. ReflectionsDurin III, Dwarven Lord
    LotR 9 R+ 3
    3310 years 11 months
    98. Rise of SarumanGandalf, Returned
    LotR 17 R 17
    339 years 7 months
    99. Treachery & DeceitIt Draws Him
    LotR 18 R 31
    339 years 7 months
    100. Treachery & DeceitWatcher at Sarn Ford, Ranger of the North
    LotR 18 R 59
    339 years 7 months
    Hint: A user may mark a card multiple times for wants.