How do I send a tourney invitation to group members? | openCards

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How do I send a tourney invitation to group members?


    Every openCards member may post his or her tournaments on openCards. You'll find this function in the distinct games systems at section "Play".

    When you post a tournament you may add as detail one of your groups, every member of will get an invitation as soon as you save that tournament.

    Look for this feature in the tournament mask under "Details", the heading is "Invite playergroup". There you will find all group of which you are owner as a select list.

    After the tournament has been saved, a "Private Messeage" will be send automatically to the members of the group you selected. Important details of the tournament like the format, date or location will be part of the message, and via a direct link all invited players may directly go to the tournament's posting to sign-in.