Grand Prix 2008 | openCards

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Grand Prix 2008

Error message

  • Warning: Use of undefined constant RULEDOCUMENT - assumed 'RULEDOCUMENT' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in _content_build_personel_content_frame() (line 2282 of /kunden/161025_28203/production/sites/all/modules/openCards/content/content.module).
  • Warning: Use of undefined constant RULEDOCUMENTS - assumed 'RULEDOCUMENTS' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in _content_build_personel_content_frame() (line 2282 of /kunden/161025_28203/production/sites/all/modules/openCards/content/content.module).

GRAND PRIX 2008 Convention is coming ...

Für alle Fans der gehobenen STCCG-Unterhaltung sei der folgende Termin dringend vorzumerken: Vom 21. - 23. November 2008 findet die diesjährige GRAND PRIX Convention statt!

Veranstaltet wird das dreitägige STCCG-Spektakel wie bereits im Jahr zuvor im InterCityHotel Celle, es wird erneut ein spezielles Zimmerkontingent bereitgehalten werden. Weitere Infos zu dem Jahresabschluss-Event 2008 wird es nach der Europameisterschaft geben ...

FRIDAY - 2008-11-21
GP2008 - Mercenary Draft (Sealed / 4 rounds / 8 participants)
Winner: garetjax - Runner-Up: Ramata Klan

GP2008 - TeamCup (independent / 3 rounds / 12 participants)
Winners (2 players finished on first place): KathleenF & Ramata Klan

SATURDAY - 2008-11-22
GRAND PRIX 2008 (Standard / 6 rounds / 16 participants)
Winner: Chairman Nilva - Runner-Up: RedDwarf

GP2008 - Orbital Shift (Standard / 3 rounds / 8 participants)
Winner: Chairman Nilva - Runner-Up: RedDwarf

GP2008 - Favor the Bold Draft (Dangerous Missions Draft / 3 rounds / 10 participants)
Winner: RedDwarf - Runner-Up: Gumbo

SUNDAY - 2008-11-23
GP2008 - Masters of the Universe (Standard / 5 rounds / 12 participants)
Winner: garetjax - Runner-Up: Ramata Klan