Defend Homeworld | openCards

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Defend Homeworld

    Defend Homeworld

    Objective Objective
    Special icons: Hidden Agenda Referee

    Seeds or plays on table. When opponent initiates battle against your card at a homeworld matching that card's affiliation, just after it is targeted you may download there any number of HQ cards and compatible ships, leaders, SECURITY personnel, and hand weapons. Once per game, you may discard objective to download a SECURITY personnel OR any HQ card (except Return Orb to Bajor).

    Requires: HQ card, Hand weapon, Homeworld.

    Rule hint for this card

    This card has an clarification:

    When this objective allows a download of personnel and ships in response to battle, it is to a specific destination (“download there”) and thus the cards may report anywhere at the location (e.g., personnel may report aboard ships), ignoring quadrants. However, a SECURITY personnel downloaded with the objective’s final function must be reported to a facility or other place where that personnel may normally report, because no destination is specified. See downloading.

    If a facility or site provides the place for the downloaded SECURITY personnel to report, both the personnel and facility must be in their native quadrant. You may not download cards with this objective when your opponent attacks your Non-Aligned ship at your homeworld, even if there are crew members aboard matching the homeworld’s affiliation. The specific card that is attacked (the ship) must match the homeworld and its universe (see mirror universe).

    The “compatible ships, leaders, (and) SECURITY personnel” that you may download with this objective when your card is attacked at a homeworld must be compatible with the card that was attacked (and with each other, if they are mixing).

    An attack by a Borg Ship dilemma or Rogue Borg Mercenaries, which are self-controlled, will not allow the download. Your opponent must attack your card with his ships or personnel.

    Taken form Glossary - Version 1.9.5.

    Card logging info: Logged by openCards team at May 1st, 2009.

    Defend Homeworld

    This Card-Review article was written by Joeri Hoste and was published first on "Decipher's Website (".

    Battlestations! Your opponent will think twice before laying your homeworld under fire if you still have some hidden agendas unrevealed -- Defend Homeworld packs some "unpleasant" surprises.

    First off, it lets you download vengeance on your homeworld's assailant. As it responds to your opponent's targeting in the initiation step of battle, you can flip Defend Homeworld and make your opponent sorry he ever landed on your front door. Not only can you download any number of compatible ships, leaders (personnel with Leadership skill or OFFICER skill or classification), SECURITY personnel, and hand weapons, but also almost any HQ card. Enough to shift any battle, be it personnel or ship battle, dramatically in your favour.

    But there's more: you can use Defend Homeworld to jumpstart your game! As a lot of strategies rely on speed, getting this little edge might be all it takes. In your first turn, discard Defend Homeworld to download a SECURITY personnel to anywhere you could normally report them. Or you don't want to lose that seed slot to HQ: Secure Homeworld? Download it when you are ready to start attempting the mission, and meanwhile you're prepared for other contingencies your homeworld might face.


    Defend Homeworld + Conundrum + your only ship in play at your homeworld: Come to daddy!

    Defend Homeworld + HQ: Orbital Weapons Platform: Not really what you bargained for, eh?

    Defend Homeworld + Assign Mission Specialists + Quark's Isolinear Rods + Assign Support Personnel: Turn one, five down -- I think I'll head over to my first mission!