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    Quadrant rule (closed)

    Fri, 12/04/2009 - 20:14
    Posts: 412 | Discussions: 23

    In order to have a short answer for this frequent asked question, here my statement.


    Quadrant rule summary:

    - If no Facility or Site is involved, the quadrant doesn´t matter.

    - If a Facility or Site is involved the Quadrant mostly matters.

    Only exception: If you have a non-Facility non-Site card that reports  something explicitly to a location (incl Special downloads).  In that case the quadrant does not matter, even  thought it might happens at the Facility/Site. Assign Mission Specilits and Defend Homeworlds first function are examples.

    Defend Homeworlds secound function is not. In case of the 2nd function (download Security) it matters if you choose a facility or another place.


    Questions, critisim or suggestions may be posted here.