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    Die Borg (closed)

    Mon, 10/18/2010 - 20:58
    Posts: 211 | Discussions: 31

    One of the greatest diadvantages playing The borg is that thy can prevent from scouting/probing  just simple by any kind of battle and that any attamed to solve a mission obejective stopped them for a full turn do the ruling of scouting and probing.

    If opponent set the Dilemmas right a object attamped by The Borg player easliy can hold them "at bay for 2-4 rounds+ before able to score their first 25 Points. There can be alternatives by assimilation, tricky dilemma combos using dilemmas like Undetected Beam in and cards like Nightmare which allow Counterparts of the same afflication that the mission icon shows to probe and scout in a single turn, but all of them are not easy to accomplish and an experiencend player knows what to do if playing v.s. Borg and upcomming Dilemmas.


    To give the borg a chance to reach tournament potential like other Delta Quadrant Decks u have to change following aspects og Game Play

    Giving the borg an alternative to the lack of Speed to solve their missions. Like the card that adds bonus points for each skill icon personal of abducted and assimilated personal.


    Neagate Obstructions should be a natural Ability Skill to The borg means the Adapt interrupt

    card of that name became a permernant ability.


    The Borg Unicomplex should have the Download symbol for a Borg Queen


    The Borg should be "at any Time able to discard a current objective and download another by having "Any Borg Queen" in play this would make absolutly sense


    Also ther should be Dilemas comming out in the future to support The Borg Player which goes like this:


    Unless "Skill/Classification Requierments" present Ship and/or Away Team is stopped for 2 full turns and one personal with lowest strenght/cunning/wisdom is relocate  to an opposing ship with four or more staffing icons. If Assimilation Tubes, Talon Drone and Assimilation Table   present u may abduct and assimilate this personal.


    This Dilemma would catch up with The Borg episodes from all parts of encounters with the borg from Picard to Janeway.



    (Also The Borg play may be able to probe from buttom and or from the top of his libery giving combinations a better chance. But this is mor a funny idea not taken serious.) 

    See u and Speed up the Borg! 

    Wed, 10/20/2010 - 15:39
    Posts: 211 | Discussions: 31

    Zwei von mir beliebte Dilemma Combinationen:


    Unscientific Methode-Borg Servo- Scientific methode

    Scout Encounter - Undetected Beam in - Males's Love Intrest/Plague ship - The cloud